
Healthcare Delivery For Persons With Mental Illness

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Healthcare delivery for persons with mental illness is complex and many barriers exist that prevent patients from receiving quality care such as homelessness, substance abuse, imprisonment, stigma, accessibility, and cost. A review of the history of mental health, an examination of past and future laws, and an assessment of what the barriers to achieving mental health wellness are, will help to improve awareness and promote better treatment solutions for those afflicted by mental illnesses.
Important Historical Perspectives of the Topic
The history of mental illness is nothing short of horrific, as torture and abuse overshadow it. In prehistoric times, the cure for mental illness was trepanation, which was drilling holes into the afflicted …show more content…

The NIMH also conducted a study involving adequacy and mental health issues. The intent of the centers was to establish a way for patients to receive treatment while working and living at home. Unfortunately, there were no clear policies on how to implement community centers or what these centers should offer before President Kennedy’s assassination occurred. Therefore, the full enactment that Kennedy wished to implement never reached what he had intended. Consequentially, only half of the proposed centers were built and none received full funding. In addition, the money provisions granted were not for long-term treatments. Some states only saw this as an opportunity to close expensive state hospitals and the states never spent the money on community-based care. Nevertheless, in 1965, after the adoption of Medicaid, deinstitutionalization dramatically increased (Feldman, 2003).
Then, during the Reagan administration, the remaining Community Health Act funding turned into mental health block grants for states instead. Since the enactment of the Community Health Act, the funding for state hospitals has declined by ninety percent. The Community Health Act proved to be a mixed success because while many of the formerly warehoused patients in

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