
Healthcare Information Security

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The health care industry has become increasingly reliant on technology. From medical translation tools to mobile apps, these devices are helping healthcare institutions save money and improve patient treatment.
Just consider the advances in healthcare mobile app development. Right now, 80% of physicians use smartphones and medical apps.

While this new era of healthcare has its benefits, it also comes with its own set of unique challenges. The security of the very devices that were created to help doctors and patients are giving hackers the opportunity to steal sensitive health and financial information.

Let's explore the vulnerabilities in healthcare security systems and how you can avoid them.

Patient Records and the Cloud

In healthcare facilities , patient …show more content…

Stolen health credentials can go for $10 each, about 10 or 20 times the value of a U.S. credit card number, according to Don Jackson, director of threat intelligence at PhishLabs.
How can you increase the security of patient records?

Use a secure repository for healthcare records, like contract management software. It will guard your organization against breaches. It encrypts information stored electronically, possesses strong password protection, and implements two-factor authentication for access to all systems.

Embedded Devices and the Internet of Things

Embedded devices are being introduced to hospitals all over the world. These devices allow physicians to collaborate with each other and patients. However, they are also vulnerable to breaches.

There are over 2 billion electronic sensors being used in the medical field, and this number is expected to rise to a trillion. The IT framework of these sensors is highly complex and vulnerabilities become exacerbated when connected with unsecured healthcare

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