
Healthy Hair Regimen Research

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The Essential Steps in A Healthy Hair Growth Regimen
Building a hair regimen is not as hard as many of us think. However, if the steps are not clearly understood, it can seem like quite the challenge. When designing a hair regimen, we must first have our goal clearly in mind. For the purposes of this article, we will assume that everyone wants a hair regimen that results in having healthy hair, because really, does it make sense to have long hair that’s damaged, dull and breaking? I think not. We want our hair to be healthy at any length and it’s the healthy of our hair that will ultimately determine if we achieve the lengths we desire.
In general, the basics of any hair regimen are:
• Cleanse
• Condition and detangle
• Treat
• Moisture and seal
• Style
All regimens begin with a clean base. So, the …show more content…

Hot oil treatments and oil rinses may also be done at this stage and will help keep hair shiny and nourished. Your Sheadavi Hair and Scalp Growth Elixir is perfect at this stage.

Moisturize and Seal
This step can make or break a hair regimen. If you aren’t getting this step right, it can overwhelm your entire journey and leave you feeling very dissatisfied with your hair. Sealing the hair after adding your moisturizer is much like putting a stamp on your letter before you mail it, if you skip the stamp, that letter will never get to where you need to it go. Similarly, if you don’t lock your moisturizer into your strands, that moisture won’t be in the hair long enough to be truly beneficial.

Styling is like the frosting on the cake. In theory, you could skip it, but the cake wouldn’t look as pretty. Always have a go-to style or two that are tried and true for your hair when a new style experiment fails. This way, you’ll never have a bad hair

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