
Healthy People 20/20

Decent Essays

nutrition is a one important topic on the healthy people 20/20. Diet and body weight are assisting to maintain a good health status, good nutrition is it a very important factor to the growth and development of children. Making the right food choices will beneficial and reduce the risk of many health conditions, weight loss and obesity, healthier life style, energy and stress. consumption of foods with a low energy density will decreases energy intake. In low energy density foods, the foods are low in calories its usually a whole and unprocessed foods like fruits, vegetables, very lean proteins and low-fat dairy products.
Nutrition and health status means to promote …show more content…

Heart disease. High blood pressure, Dyslipidemia (poor lipid profiles), Type 2 diabetes, Osteoporosis, Oral disease, Constipation, Diverticular disease and cancers.
One of the main concern when we talk about nutrition and health status is Obesity. The number of overweight and obese in the US grow every year, “according to the latest statistics from the third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 97 million Americans are overweight or obese.” In order to point the important and to educate, diagnose and treat obesity the “National Obesity Education Initiative of the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI), in cooperation with the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK),” developed guidelines for primary care practices that will educate their patient with the facts of obesity and the related diseases. Diet-Related Diseases: with the years as people grow, they will have a bigger chance of getting some diet-related diseases, like hypertension, heart disease, cancer and osteoporosis. Hypertension: there is …show more content…

Drink tap water or compare prices of bottle of waters. Have Eggs for breakfast (or just the egg white). it has vitamins, lots of proteins and not expansive. consume lean meats lean meats are cheaper and better then red meat. Eat Tuna Cans. It doesn’t cost a lot and have as much protein as meat. Get frozen vegetables if you can’t afford fresh ones. Last long and easy to prepare. Take vitamins, Fish Oil will provide Omega-3 and can Low cholesterol, Decreased body fat and Reduced inflammation, Buy Generic Food. Search for a cheap grocery store and take your lunch to work. Avoid junk food its unhealthy and expansive. To maintain a healthy diet: by Consuming a variety of nutrient-dense foods that are demonstrated by the pyramid concentrating on whole grains, fruits, vegetables, low-fat or fat-free milk or milk products, and lean meats and other protein sources, eat less foods that have saturated and trans fats, cholesterol, added sugars, sodium, and alcohol. And of course to limit the amount of the calorie intake to meet caloric

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