
Heart Of Darkness

Decent Essays

Finding Light in the “Heart of Darkness” Light is one of the most universal and fundamental symbols…it is illumination and intelligence. Light is the source of goodness and the ultimate reality…It is the SUN and the avenger of evil forces and DARKNESS…Light is knowledge. Purity and morality are related terms as well (“Online Symbolism Dictionary”).
Joseph Conrad was quite the rebel in his day. The celebrated author not only wrote a novella, Heart of Darkness, which offered a condemnation of the imperial tendencies of European nations toward Africa; but he also dared to challenge the established symbolism norms of his predecessors, including Mary Shelley and Nathaniel Hawthorne. Conrad’s novella, set in Africa of the early twentieth …show more content…

Marlow is ecstatic; he is close to meeting the enigmatic Kurtz, of whom he has heard much praise. He and his companions arrived at the bank below Kurtz’s station, and Marlow observed that “There was no joy in the brilliance of sunshine. The long stretches of the waterway ran on, deserted, into the gloom of overshadowed distances” (Conrad 30). Throughout the story, Marlow has heard of Kurtz’s skill in procuring ivory and his strong character. Yet as he is faced with the reality of coming face to face with Kurtz, Marlow finds “no joy” in the sunshine, which he even uses “brilliance” to describe; wondrous sights no longer hold wonder. The “long stretches” of the river are seen, “deserted,” and they continue into “the gloom of overshadowed distances.” Marlow can see the path he must take, and it is filled with shadows; it is devoid of light. Marlow’s entire journey has been building to the moment when he reaches his destination, yet to reach it, he must travel through the darkness: the path to enlightenment. Marlow sees the stillness and rejects the “brilliance of sunlight,” rejecting also anything that would hinder his enlightenment. Light therefore does not represent illumination, as the path Marlow must travel to fulfill his physical and spiritual journey is shrouded in

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