
Helen Keller Research Paper

Decent Essays

Have you ever felt lost or confused? Imagine being trapped in a world that you didn’t ask to be in. Some people feel like that, especially if they are blind or deaf. Although, Helen Keller was a blind and a deaf woman, she succeeded in life. Helen had a rough start like any other person in her position would have been, but she worked a lot to prove to the world that she can be more than just a disabled woman. Helen Keller was the first daughter of Arthur Keller and Kate Keller. Helen was born the 27 of June, 1880 at Tusculum, Alabama. Her journey started when she became one and a half, Helen got sick and after her fever went off, she was blind and deaf. Helen could communicate with her family by using hand signals, she always got …show more content…

Anne was a good teacher and she was also very young, she was full of energy. Helen didn’t have manners so that made it difficult for Anne to teach Helen. Manners was the first thing Anne taught Helen. Anne tried teaching Helen sign language, but Helen didn’t understand, she just repeated the hand signals to get a treat at the end. Until one glorious morning while pumping water outside, Anne spelled out W-a-t-e-r in Helen’s hand, Helen could understand what water was. From then on Helen could understand many words and what they meant. Helen learned how to speak a little when she was ten. She held her hand in Anne’s mouth while she talked, Helen tried to imitate the movement. She also learned to read French, German, Greek, and Latin in braille. When Helen was 20, she went to college at Radcliffe College. Nothing stopped her from growing big. Helen also wrote many books. A very famous one is called, The Story of My Life, which was translated in many different languages and in braille too. Helen gave lots of speeches and helped in raising funds for organizations for the blind. Some organizations were American Foundation for the Blind and American Foundation of the Overseas Blind. Later in her late ages, she visited thirty-nine countries and many famous people around the world, it was in the year 1946 through 1957. Helen later in life suffered a stroke and died in her sleep. Helen

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