
Helping Women Navigate Life 's Daily Choices

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I chose the counselor Victorya Rogers “Helping Women Navigate Life’s Daily Choices”.
She is located in Southlake, TX. She offers many areas of expertise but mostly focuses in on faith based coaching and helping women. The areas she spotlights in on is relational, personal and spiritual. Her sessions for Life Coaching are offered in person, telephone or Skype, and even email. The sessions last anywhere between 10 minutes to one hour depending on how you choose her services. Her range for her fee is between $25 to $100 per session depending on the length of time you meet with her. After reviewing her website Rogers doesn’t accept insurance at this time.

When you make an appointment with her she has a Welcome Packet …show more content…

She asks the client to understand that “life coaching” is a relationship that she has (with you) the client . By going through her you will have a plan developed to carry out a strategy for achieving all your goals. She goes on to mention she does not treat mental disorders. All information shared will be kept confidential unless it is required to share by law. You will end the paperwork with your signature and date.

She also has her clients fill out a Life Coaching Agreement during the first appointment or prior to it. It goes over most of the same information as previous forms, but requests your desired coaching plan (weekly, biweekly, monthly, or specific times). If it will be in-person, or a phone session, the next appointment date and time. Also, she asks for your referral (how you heard about her and her services).

We then move on to the specific client information name, occupation, and address, day/evening phone, email, preferred method of communication, date of birth, and age. Any other data you find pertinent for your coach to know. The third page is more client information, goals, commitments, dreams, values, and personal questions that pertain to the client only.

Page 3 Gowan Victorya consults her clients unofficially using the Cognitive Behavioral Therapy method.
After emailing her she was very helpful and nice and answered some questions. Her clients come to her

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