
Henry V Trojan War Essay

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The Treaty of Troyes was signed in Troyes on the 21st of May, 1420. The treaty between Henry V and Charles VI discussed the agreement that Henry and his heirs would inherit the throne of France upon the death of Charles VI (of France). The treaty was passed through and approved by a judicial body. It should be noted that although it was the French parliament that approved the document, they did not carve up the kingdom (at the very least not on paper). The Treaty of Troyes is often considered one of the most important treaties of the Hundred Years War. It acts as a sort of backdrop to the end portion of the war. France and England, around the point of the signing of the treaty, were in the middle of nearly constant warfare that had lasted …show more content…

He fought and won many military battles, and he gained the French throne for his son’s inheritance. An important point is made by Richardson that had the Treaty of Troyes worked, “the United Kingdom would have been England and France, rather than England and Scotland”. Henry was a great ruler, but he left behind the government in a great debt, most likely due to the expenses of war. It is notable that not even the revenue from the conquered territories could pay off this debt, because of the constancy of battle, raids and such. The Treaty of Troyes was one of France’s biggest mistakes. In “War, government and power in late Medieval France” it is mentioned that, “the notion of state is dependant on binary opposition” Binary opposition is related terms or concepts that are opposite in meaning . Furthermore, Binary opposition is the system in which languages and thoughts as opposite are set against one another . This could easily be said of English and French. The two countries were complete opposites in most aspects of life (culture, language, law, etc.), but put them together and they form a state. Specifically, a state that had it’s ups and down, but was revolutionary . The treaty of Troyes was never formally revoked . The English Remained Kings of France until the Treaty of Amiens with Napoleon when it was finally abandoned. It certainly left a mark on

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