The constellation I have chosen is Hercules. The reason I have chosen him is because, Hercules signals strength and will. Which are two things I think everyone should have. Another reason is because, he was one of the original 48 constellations found by one of my favorite astronomers, Ptolemy. Today it remains as one of the 88 most common ones. It is also the fifth largest of all the major constellations. Hercules was supposedly the greatest hero to ever live. He is the son of Jupiter and Alcmena, and was tracked all his life by Juno. Juno was unhappy with Jupiter when he cheated on her with Alcmena. She thought Hercules was living proof of her shame and unhappiness. She decided to kill him and so, sent two snakes into his bed, which he killed
Hercules was the son of Zeus and Alcmene. Zeus had fallen in love with Alcmene, so he disguised himself as her husband. Hera was furious when she found out about Hercules so she sent down 2 snakes to kill him. Since Hercules was a half-blood he possessed inhuman strength, therefore he strangled the snakes and proceeded to play with their corpses as if they were toys. In his youth Hercules tended cattle after he killed his music tutor, Linus, by hitting him with a lyre. Hercule's first wife was named Megara. Unfortunately,
I chose the constellation Andromeda because the back story and myths it has really fascinates me! I feel that some of the myths behind the consolations can be rather boring, but with the romance and danger all wrapped into one, I continue going back to it. This constellation is the 19th largest in the sky and is located in the first quadrant of the northern hemisphere. It takes seven-hundred-twenty-two square feet in the sky!
I have chosen the Perseus Constellation. I chose that contallation because I have always liked the Greek Gods mythology. Perseus, named after the Greek Mythology hero, is a constellation in the Northen Sky. Perseus is bordered by Aries and Taurus to the south, Auriga to the east, Camelopardalis and Cassiopeia to the north, and Andromeda and Triangulum the west.
Juno who is most hostile to children , sends two snakes to kill young Hercules while he slept in his crib. Instead of screaming, Hercules strangles the two serpents playfully, thinking they were toys (Genovese). As he grows older more of his strength starts to show and he starts to achieve more goals such as killing a lion single handedly and partaking in the war. This soon resulted in envy from Juno and Eurystheus. Juno reports this to Eurystheus, and demand that he give Hercules the 12 Labors. Juno makes him give Hercules these task, because he thinks that one will kill
Constellation 101: Hercules Hercules is probably the most famous hero of ancient, mythological times. I think it’s safe to say we all know a version of Hercules’s life. The cinema always depicts him as this heroic warrior, and even Disney made us love him more as he swooned over Meg and saved her from Hades. As wonderful as the tales we’ve come to know and love are, they aren’t exactly as I remember the story.
Hercules, or known in Latin as Heracles, was the greatest of the Greek heroes, a paragon of masculinity. In art, Hercules was portrayed as a powerful, muscular man wearing lion's skin and armed with a huge club. He was also described as being a macho man buffoon, who was very impulsive. Hercules’ home and birthing place is in Thebes, Greece. Thebes is a city in central Greece. It plays as an important setting in many Greek myths, such as the stories of Cadmus, Oedipus, Dionysus and many other important roles in Greek Mythology. The demigod, Hercules has an interesting origin, he is most famous for his 12 labors, and leaves a legacy in words and expressions.
Great Strength? Compassion for others? Amazing bravery? If these are the traits you are looking for in a hero, then Hercules is the hero for you! Hercules is a Mythological hero from Ancient Greece. He was one of the bravest hero in all Mythology. He was the most compassionate of all mythological heroes. He had tremendous strength. He battled through the 12 Labors for almost 10 years. Hercules was the last mortal son of Zeus and the only mortal to ever become a god in his death.
I have chosen the constellation Scorpius. I chose Scorpius because it is one of the most interesting looking constellations (in my opinion), and it contains many bright stars. Scorpius means scorpion in Latin, and it is a zodiac sign, although its name is changed to Scorpio. It is in the southern hemosphere, and it lies between Sagittarius and Libra.
I chose the constellation, Orion. It is one of my favorites, because ever since I was little, I was able to find it, and it was cool to me. The constellation depicts a man, holding his shield in front of hi, and sword overhead. It signifies a hunter, attack his prey, especially since he follows other celestial animals, like Lepus, a rabbit, and Taurus, a bull.
I have chosen Cassiopeia as my favorite constellation. The reason why i chose this constellation is firstly because I find it very easy to find in the sky due to its M or W shape ( depending on the season ), and secondly, because it is one of the first constellation on which I made a research on it's creation myth. Cassiopeia is still to this day one of the 88 recognized constellations by the International Atrsonomical Union.
Hercules (the last mortal son of zeus) is one of the greatest heroes of Greece and the most admired. He is best known as the most robust of all mortals and stronger than many of the gods. Although he is highly based off of emotions and having a noticeable lack of intelligence, I am still drawn to his many admirable qualities. Hercules has extraordinary strength and courage. When Hera drove him mad making him kill his wife and three sons in spite of being a son of her unfaithful husband, he sought purification not his own death. He is a hero not only for his strength but he helped save towns from evil monsters like the hydra. Hercules also had a strong sense of self-confidence and bravery. For these traits I praise him greatly.
Hercules is a well-known Greek/Roman hero. He is a great hero and the son of the great god Zeus. Like all prominent heroes, he had enemies. His most hated enemy is no other than Zeus’ wife, Hera. Because of the goddess Hera, he is known for one of his greatest qualities, bravery. Even though Hercules’ life was dark, he was the most powerful and famous hero in all of the Greek mythology.
Hercules, or known in Latin as Heracles, was the greatest of the Greek heroes, a paragon of masculinity. In art Hercules was portrayed as a powerful, muscular man wearing lion's skin and armed with a huge club. He was also described as being a macho man buffoon, who was very impulsive. Hercules’ home and birthing place is in Thebes, Greece. Thebes is a city in central Greece. It plays as an important setting in many Greek myths, such as the stories of Cadmus, Oedipus, Dionysus and many other important roles in Greek Mythology. The demigod, Hercules has an interesting origin, he is most famous for his 12 labors, and leaves a legacy in words and expressions.
Physical strength is an essential characteristic of a hero and is associated the most with Hercules. Unlike other heroes, Hercules used his strength in his first heroic deed to help others, rather than proving himself to gain the title of a hero. The gods needed the help of a mortal to conquer the Giants who were inflicting terror on Olympos, and they chose Hercules. Hercules shot one of the two Giants with his bow and arrow, wounding him fatally, then dragged him to a land where he could die. “Hercules… played an important part” when defeating these supernatural creatures (Hamilton 167). Hercules’ killing of one of the Giants that the gods couldn’t kill on their own shows that he possessed godly strength and gives him the characteristics of a hero. Furthermore, Hercules helped the Thebans fight the Minyans, and won Princess Megara’s hand in marriage. “The grateful citizens” depended on the strength of Hercules for winning the battle against the Minyans (Hamilton 169). The people of Greece valued Hercules immensely, to the point where they believed he was worthy of being married to Thebes’ Princess. Additionally, strength was extremely important in Greek culture considering the fact that this was a time of war, and strength is what Greece needed to protect themselves. Thus Hercules, the strongest man, is the most valued hero in Greece.
The constellation I have chosen is Cancer. I chose this constellation because it is my zodiac sign. Naturally, I found it interesting to learn about and write an essay on my discovery and creation theory. Cancer is Latin for "Crab", The name was chosen because the representation of the the constellation is in fact a crab. The constellation is 506 sq. degrees and made up of faint stars.