
Hercules Vs. Heracles: How We Tell Story

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Hercules vs. Heracles: How we tell stories
Set in ancient Greece, Hercules would by far be one of Disney’s most the most upbeat joyful films yet. It’s about the son Zeus, Hercules and how Hercules seeks reign his place with all of the other gods up on Mount Olympus by becoming what is known as a true hero. Helping Hercules along the way is his trainer Philoctetes, Megra, and his white trustworthy Pegasus. All the while, Hades, ruler of the underworld seeks to find more ways to destroy Hercules for once and all. if you are familiar with the Greek Mythology than you are probably making a face right now, but you also aren’t surprised at Disney’s deviations …show more content…

Disney version: In this version, the Muses are seen as sassy Muses who have given themselves the name of The goddesses of the arts. They also see themselves as being the true proclaimers of Heroes. They are also kind hearted in this version. They choose to narrate the tale through gospel music.
Mythology version: There are actually nine muses in total, and yes they are indeed sassy. They also are the daughters of Zeus. When a poet and lyre player, Thamyris, challenges the muses to a music contest and also states that after the contest, they will all get the great honor, which is that all of them will sleep with him. In response to his request, the muses take away his ability to see and play the Lyre. So if you couldn’t tell the muses in the myth are not as nice as people would hope. Secondly, I want to talk about Hades and his plan. Disney version: Hades to some people would be known as a fast talking man. He spends most of his time lurking around in the Underworld welcoming and keeping an eye on all of the newcomers. He gets invited to Hercules’ party, but instead of attending the party, he goes to talk with Zeus. Hades Tells Zeus that he has a full- time job and the idea of him just sitting around doing nothing is a waste of his time. After talking to Zeus, he goes back to the underworld

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