
Hero Qualities

Decent Essays

“Hard times don’t create heroes, their actions do.” (Unknown) This quote shows that anyone has the potential to be a hero, but only the people who follow through and use that potential are true heroes. They are incredibly important aspects of society and we would be lost without them. Heroes are the type of people who risk their lives for others and they are willing to help anyone no matter the situation or it’s possible consequences. A hero demonstrates leadership and they are calm under pressure, but don’t try to be selfish and they don’t put their own safety before others’.
Leadership is one of the essential parts of being a hero. Hero, George Washington, led the troops to Valley Forge December 19, 1777, and he did so with integrity and faith in his decisions as commander. Another great example of leadership is Sacagawea when she helped to guide Lewis and Clark to the West side of America, even though she was the only female. Mehmet Murat Ildan states that “Sometimes there is no time to wait for the seas to calm down if you have to reach your target, let your voyage start and let the storm be your path.” This quote not only exhibits how …show more content…

Frederick Douglass was extremely calm when he escaped in 1836 from being a slave, and he decided to share his terrible experiences. Many slaves who were wanting to be heard and freed depended on him to speak up about the horrible conditions as a slave so everyone could gain some perspective. Douglass, while speaking about his atrocious experiences stated that “I felt myself a slave and the idea of speaking to white people weighed me down.” (SB 71) In addition, an incredible hero who was calm while under tremendous amounts of pressure was Welles Crowther who died saving people’s lives on 9/11. He saved at least 5 to 10 people and did it with strength and calmness. Being calm under pressure is an amazing trait and all heroes should try to aim for

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