
Heroes For Research Paper

Satisfactory Essays

I think we all have heroes in one way or another. We all have one hero if you do not know if you have one, you may have one in the Hospital, in your house, or in your school. For example, my hero is my dad because when I was nine years old, he got sick. My dad went to the doctor, and the doctors said that he was three days with the burst appendix. In that time I was living in New Laredo. Therefore I was in school when all of that happens. I was scared because, I thought that my dad would not resist the operation but, thank God he did. He is my hero because he is the one that has always been there by my side when I need him. The doctors were surprised because they tell my dad that out of 10 that have the appendix burst only one survives and my dad is alive. Now it had passed five years since that happens and he is great.The heroes are in all around the world to help other people who need help with something. I think that around the world all the people are real and all of the people are heroes in one way or another, but some of them are passing through a difficult …show more content…

I saw a video where it was a dog on a frozen lake and a person was trying to take the dog out, but the dog was scared. Therefore, the person jumps into the frozen water and swims until he gets the dog out of the lake, that video got more than a million of views because of the person that saves the dog and the people know tells that person that he is a hero. I think we all have to appreciate our parents because we do not know if they were though difficult things before we were born. Our parents are our heroes; they give their life for us. There are stars all around the word, and those people should go to heaven because they help people that sometimes that they do not know them, but they do a quality work do not matter what the other people is thinking about

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