
Heroin Addiction Research Paper

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Along with health and relationship issues, heroin can cause financial problems, too. Addicts and their families pay a heavy price. Financial costs, regarding the money spent on the substance, and lost wages and job opportunities add up. Heroin addicts can easily spend $10,000 or more per year to support their dependency ( ). They can finance their addiction from their incomes, loans, stealing, or prostitution. In addi- tion, they are more likely to be arrested and incur legal expenses for attorneys, incarcera- tion, and court costs. Also, people with addiction to drugs frequently experience problems at work, which endangers their livelihoods. When they miss work, are tardy, and do not perform their duties adequately. They frequently miss out on promotions that could im- prove their …show more content…

The ancient practice of yoga is called meditation in motion ( ). It is a technique that uses physical postures and controlled breathing to lengthen and strengthen the spine and increase flexibility. It also builds strength, calms the mind, improves concentration, promotes patience, and relieves stress. Yoga can also contribute to a greater sense of control in more acute states when experiencing drug cravings, insomnia, and agitation ( ). Many addicts in recovery find that the serenity they learned in yoga acts as a natural tranquilizer that allows them to step back and evaluate their thoughts with greater clarity. A person who experiences a craving, for example, may apply the practice of mindfulness to that craving and acknowledges it without emotion. One can recognize it as an object of active addiction and let it go without using the drug. Regular yoga practice is needed to fully experience these kind of benefits. Overall, the huge addiction problem is complex, requiring multiple methods of intervention and

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