
High Intensity Interval Training ( Hiit )

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INTRODUCTION: High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is known as one method to treat Cardiovascular Diseases (CD), such as Coronary Arterial Disease (CAD) and Heart Failure (HF), due to its potential to improve cardio respiratory fitness (1, 15). This exercise format is characterized as aerobic exercise performed in a high intensity - usually controlled by either maximum oxygen uptake or maximum heart rate – with active and low intensity. Performing exercise in high intensities mixed with active rest allows patients to tolerate a higher effort before they become tired. Heart failure patients present a diminished exercise capacity, due to a smaller Ejection Fraction (EF), which tells us how well the heart pumps blood to body. To these patients, High-Intensity Interval Training has been reported for improving Systolic Function due to the increased effort in which the heart is working (16). The necessity to provide nutrients through circulation during exercise leads to an increased contractility and consequently LV Remodeling (15). Coronary Arterial Disease Patients have a decreased blood flow to the myocardial tissue due to an obstruction inside the coronary arteries. HIIT increases the arteriovenous O2 difference, which means there is an elevated consumption of oxygen by the tissues as result of a higher stroke volume. All those benefits have been shown in the literature, but most of the studies present data with short-term interventions. A few studies discuss the benefits

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