
High School Diplomas

Decent Essays

Some students often drop out of high school due to rigorous work and extracurricular activities. However, they don’t realize the hardships they might endure afterwards. High school diplomas are very critical to student academic lives and college majors. Whether, they consider jobs, community colleges and other extra activities they might not go on their path of success.

Without a high school diploma getting into a good college is next to impossible most colleges would require high school diploma as proof of completion. On top of that, applying for a job would earn a minimum wage. Due to various reasons, jobs don’t pay people much without college degrees. Without a high school degree chances of college opportunities are greatly deprived. …show more content…

It reveals a student’s discipline and academic structure toward their future. It is like a complex structure of the open minds of students. These are simply much more than just pure academic success; it is the key to future goals and dreams.

If you want a well paying job after high school or college a high school diploma is necessary. An employer might consider paying someone a higher sum of money with a diploma. Life can become even more frustrating without a diploma or worse dropping out of high school. It is hard to overcome the fact of putting hopes and dreams behind you to find some other way to make your living. When in fact, the alternative pays cheaper, doesn’t have much benefits, forces you to only spend on essentials and cut back on wants.

High school can be one of the hardest parts of some people’s lives, but it gets better. With our combined determination and concentration we can reach a new aspect of life. We can change our lives for the better. We can endure all the long night studying and hardships like being late once for class or sleep deprived, but we can rest assured that our futures will

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