
High School Research Paper

Decent Essays

The Superlative Part about High School
People think highs school is like a walk in the park, and I completely agree, especially when there are endearing monsters that fly around the park. Just like the monsters in the park, homeworks are a breathtaking aspect of the school. Don’t you just love doing homework? I know I do. I mean, why would you want to play sports, have cherished memories, when you could be doing homework. School is such an adventure to go to every morning, why would students want to skip school and miss out getting homework. It’s the best moment of my day when teachers assign homework for the class, especially when it's due the next day. There are so many different subjects to do homework on, such as BC Calculus, Organic chemistry, Biology, American literature, Spanish, Environmental Science, Trigonometry, …show more content…

If doing homework doesn’t sound amazing, then I don’t know what does! Homeworks are phenomenal and awarding part of high school education. After waking up at 5:30 to attend school for seven hours, giving homeworks to their students is the least, teachers can do to award their students. In the free time between the end of the class period to the start of the next class period, homeworks present them elves as lifesavers to avoid high schoolers from the boredom of their freedom and prevents their minds from the wicked and corrupt pressure of having fun. Having homework every night trains our minds to believe that there is no free time to prevent enjoyable moments in life and instead show the evidence that nothing but work in life in needed, instead homework will promptly prepare

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