I do believe that high textbook prices is conspicuous because many students and parents around the country see that the price of textbook are ridiculously high and sometimes they have to take out another loan just to pay them. They also notice that not only do they have to pay thousands of dollars for tuition, they also have to drop another thousand a semester just to buy textbooks and maybe supplies.
One of the main reasons why college textbooks are so expensive is because they are overpriced. The publishers set the prices. The bookstore has no control. The publishers of the textbooks are in the habit of bringing new editions quite frequently. Most students hesitate to buy old editions fearing that they will miss out on
In the article, The Real Reason College Tuition Costs So Much by Paul Campos (2015) explains the motives why college tuition rose so much over the last decades. In the years where baby boomers went to post-secondary education they had summer occupations to be able to afford college, but after a few decades, the funding that was open to the public for institutions were reduced. Consequently, cuts were in-forced, the forms of higher education have been rising year after year. Furthermore, over the last twenty years more people have been going to college, for example, since 1995, the number of scholars that have enrolled in graduate and undergraduate curriculums have amplified by approximately fifty percent. Also, the earnings of professors have
According to an article titled (“College textbook costs more outrageous than ever” from today.com by Herb Weisbaum), the College Board “estimates that the average student in this country now spends around $1,200 a year on books and supplies. A single book can cost as much as $200”.
College athletics is a big time money maker for universities. Universities sell memorabilia, tickets to games, and great tailgating gear. The games are also aired on television were millions of people watch. Universities bring in tons of revenue every year, but where does it go? Not to the stars of the show. Athletes work hard to make their schools proud, but work so hard on their athletic skills; they have no time to actually work for extra money. Because college athletes have no time to support themselves, the school they attend should provide additional funding.
Students are struggling to pay for these expensive books and it is causing some of them to not be able to attend college. Most people already know that going to a higher level of school or college is important, it provides many opportunities and advantages. Attending a college will not only help people better themselves but it will help the person going to school in the long run. College helps with getting a future career, it helps with furthering a student's education, and it also teaches students valuable life lessons. When a student is trying to better themselves by going to school, they should not have to pay over $500 for textbooks every semester when they are already paying thousands of dollars on tuition.
I. ATTENTION GETTER: Ian Ayres, a professor at Yale Law School mentioned in The New York Times how textbooks and school supplies account to 26% of all student fees in State Universities and in Junior colleges it is about a 72%. Just how much money do we have to put in textbooks in order to get an education.
Rise in tuition is often seen as a school trying to gauge as much as money as they can from the students. A view most forgotten in this argument is that of the school. The school has to have money to feed the students and house the students plus teach them. Those three things are a necessity for the students. Schools would face lawsuit after lawsuit if they failed to feed the students. The school also has to pay its employees and hire new ones that leave.
Technology has brought huge influences on everyone’s lives, and one of the influences is reflecting on education-collective learning. The Duke University brought iPod as an academic device and educational experiment to all the first-year class students. The iPod inverts the traditional role of technology, which has many new functions. Students can not only listen to music, but also use the iPod as an academic device to share knowledge with others. This concept can be seen in Project Classroom Makeover, by Cathy Davidson. In Project Classroom Makeover, Davidson introduces the use of iPod as an educational experiment, which brings out the idea of crowdsourcing. Crowdsourcing is a group of people will share their ideas and solve the problem, which is one way of collective learning. In the Duke University, students will collaborate and share creative ideas together. Collective learning has played a positive role in education by regaining students’ interest of studying, improving student’s collaborate thinking, and increasing the likelihood of students to success in the future.
It’s hard to believe, but it’s true. College tuition is on the rise, and there’s no sign of it stopping anytime soon. A good question would be, “Why is it so expensive?”. The reason behind the price of college on the rise is because the government is cutting budget from schools. They’re spending the money that could be used on sending kids to college on things like the army.
According to TED; The Economics Daily, tuition and fees increase 63% since January of 2006. Some people believe that the cost of college tuition is acceptable. However, college tuition cost is too high. They ought to be lowered and made affordable to all. College tuition cost is too high, a high tuition can prevent some students from receiving college education, forces some to take out loans, and ultimately can cause future financial instability.
Today, more jobs require more than a high school diploma. In order to get a good paying job, a college degree is required. More people are attending college in order to get better paying jobs, but is going to college worth a good job with rising tuitions across the nation? According to College Board, from 2002-2003 to 2012-2013, the average tuition and fees for a private institution rose about an average of 2.4% every year. As tuition prices increases every year, it affects millions of college students. It affects college students who have to use government aid to assist paying for college.
My second image shows about 6 or 7 college textbooks stacked on top of each other with the dollar sign next to it. This is a metaphor to the true meaning of college, which is college wants an exuberant amount of money from its students for such a small return investment. They want students to pay for 5 to 6 textbooks each semester which is absurd because college textbooks can cost students $500 to $700.
`One reason college textbooks should be free is because how expensive they are. The price of a college textbook can start at a hundred dollars. Most students are required to have a few textbooks each semester. So the prices of each textbook will add up and may cost over a few hundred
College tuition is a subject that I am certain is on every college student's mind. The current cost of college has become so outrageously high and so students are graduating college with what you think is a feeling of excitement for their lives starting, when in reality they are entering a pool of stress due to high amounts of debt and no job guarantees. With that being said overly expensive College Tuition is merely taking away opportunities from potential students. According to Collegefactual.com, you will see that 20 years ago the average college tuition for a student at any University was around $6,285 for the room, board, and tuition. Today, according to Niche.com, the average tuition for almost any college is over $30,000 for those same things. Today, this isn't even offered for those same colleges, we don’t even know what is actually causing the raising tuition. At this point in time, we are paying for the name. Just like clothing, we pay more for the “high end” (a.k.a the college name) items. This is an issue that not only affects college students, but people who want a good education. College tuition should be lowered because the average student debt is too high, FAFSA results can be misleading and not high enough, and there is not enough access to college for deserving students.
The ideas of equal opportunities that America was built on has been lost and replaced with a structure of education only being accessible for the wealthy. College tuition is a topic that is on every high school and college student's mind. As tuition costs are constantly rising more college students will face the sticker shock of acquiring a secondary education. Unfortunately, college costs do not just end at tuition and room and board people also have to pay for textbooks, meals, and transportation. The cost of college has become outrageous and students are leaving college with high amounts of debt.