
Higher Education Obstacles

Decent Essays

In the community I grew up in, going to college and obtaining a degree is not something you speak about. If a student receives excelling grades his or her peers view them as uncool (nerd). Most of my male classmates in elementary school were either in a gang or associated with crews (similar to a gang but not to that extreme). Similarly, some of my females classmates were also in a gang or were expecting a child. I do not recall hearing the word college in elementary school beside it coming from my mother. During elementary school and high school, my mother made sure that I maintained remarkable grades, that way I would have an opportunity to obtain a scholarship and go to college.
Both of my parents emigrated from Mexico as young adults. As a first generation Mexican- American and the oldest of three, I had to face many obstacles in order to accomplish a higher education. Spanish was my first language but I was enrolled in a bilingual program from pre-K to third grade.When I needed help with my homework I had to make sense of it on my own or would seek help from my mother who did not speak English. As a nine-year-old, I would have to translate my homework from English to Spanish and then translate it back …show more content…

I thought asking for help would show weakness and a lack of intelligence. It was only later that I realized that in order to achieve my goal it was important to set pride aside and ask for help. My mistake at Trinity allowed me to grow as a person and taught me to take responsibility for my own actions. When I was given a second chance by enrolling in a pre-medical post-baccalaureate program, I did not hesitate to ask for assistance. Learning to ask for help and my dedication allowed me to exceed in the program. If given the opportunity to attend Loyola I guarantee to work hard, seek help, be a person for others, be inquisitive and demonstrate

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