
Higher Minimum Wage

Decent Essays

higher minimum wage means people are less likely to leave their jobs which means a low turnover rate. A low turnover rate means less expenses. When companies have a high turnover rate it means the company is constantly losing workers and having to hire new ones. Loss of employees means a slowdown in productivity and a limited pool for promotion to management positions. Companies that have a decreased turnover rate spend less money on training new employees and have skilled workers who have worked with the company for years. Companies with a high turnover rate spend money on new employees and training, and are paying their workers minimum wage. Companies with a high turnover rate spend more money on hiring new employees and this is passed onto …show more content…

Extra money in people's pockets will help improve the economy. "Because no one who works time in America should have to live in poverty." (Former President Barack Obama) Raising minimum wage will help over sixty percent of people fighting poverty every day. FAFSA was created to lift people out of poverty and to help boost the economy. A study shows that over one billion dollars a year goes to McDonalds workers per year. fifty two percent of people working at a fast food place need government assisted programs. Minimum wage is also known as the "living wage". How is seven twenty five an hour a living wage when so much government assistance is …show more content…

In Barak Obama's speech Obama stated . “Of course, nothing helps families make ends meet like higher wages… And to everyone in this congress who still refuses to raise the minimum wage, I say this: If you gruel believe you could work full time and support a family on less than $15,000 a year, go try it. If not, vote to give millions of the hardest working people in America a raise” (Obama, State of the union address, Jan. 20, 2015) Obama pushed congress to raise minimum wage to ten dollars and ten cents an hour. Obama wanted the minimum wage to ten dollars and ten cents because people cannot depend on the minimum wage to support them independently. Obama told congress to try and live on fifteen thousand dollars a year. For most if not all congress members that would cut around ninety percent of their annual pay. The White House council of economic advisors believe more than thirty million minimum wage workers would benefit from a increase and be able to be financially stable. Around three million people working all hours of the day on minimum wage would be out of

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