
Hillary Clinton Rhetorical Analysis

Decent Essays

The two candidates had completely different messages where they targeted different groups as well. Hillary’s spreaded a more positive and unifying message; Donald dispersed a message of big change and putting Americans first. Clinton’s slogans included: “Fighting for Us” “Love Trumps Hate” and “Stronger Together.” Her opponent, Trump, had one main slogan that I’m sure we are all very familiar with: “MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!” They also appealed opposite crowds of people. Hillary directed her campaign toward her base of African-American, Hispanic, college student and female voters. Clinton hammered Trump throughout the whole election year as “someone who degrades women, mocks people with disabilities, insults African-Americans and Latinos and demonizes mexican immigrants and Muslims.” Donald Trump spoke to “small-town” America to the white, working-class voters that he knew would fire up his outsider campaign. …show more content…

He ran against the donor class and against wall street generally. He used being an “outsider” as a virtue. He emphasized that politicians did not know how to solve problems. Trump also ran strongly against the media, which he accused of being treated very unfairly or for being Clinton-biased. All in all, the 69 year old billionaire developed a direct relation to the people without a large professional organization. Last but certainly not least, Trump’s beautiful nightmare- Twitter. The presidential candidate tweeted consistently on topics of wide range. His message was direct, intense, and sometimes hostile or insolent to many

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