“Was the U.S justified in dropping atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki during the Second World War? Discuss the benefits and costs that it resulted.”
During World War Two, the U.S dropped two atomic bombs on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, causing high death rates upon the Japanese. However, the U.S was justified in dropping nuclear weapons. The bombs on Japan was one of the alternatives to end the war instantly and to help prevent the high death rate of American Troops. America thought it was necessary to use the bombs to shorten the war, for Japan to surrender. In addition, the USA were acting against the Japanese in revenge for the Pearl Harbour attacks.
The U.S believed that the dropping of the bombs on Nagasaki and Hiroshima would stop the war and to also prevent major casualties on the American’s side. On the 6th of August, 1942, Hiroshima was the first to be targeted by the U.S due to its military and industrial resources. They believed that the bomb will stop the war between the U.S and the Japanese in a significant way by ending the conflicts quickly. Similarly, many people would’ve been killed if WWII had been drawn out. For instance, if the Americans didn’t use the bombs, it would’ve forced the U.S to invade Japan’s home islands and more American lives
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Many may state that there were unforgettable memories from the short term effects held against Japan civilian’s lives. The bombs that were dropped on these cities led to Japan’s surrender, but the impact left behind still remains to this day. The explosive did much more than end the war in the Pacific. Many buildings were crushed and the cities became desolate, full of dead bodies. Nonetheless, the atomic bombs helped stop Japan’s involvement in World War Two. If America didn’t do this, they would’ve been in a worse situation and could have possibly lost the
On the 6th and 9th of August, 1945, the United States of America dropped the Atomic Bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The use of these bombs brought a quick end to World War 2, yet caused extensive damage to the two Japanese cities. There have often been disputes as to whether the USA was justified in the dropping of the atomic bombs because of the damage they caused, not only to the cities, but to the people of Japan as well. Many people believe that the USA should not have dropped the bombs because of the damage they caused, and they also claim that Japan was already defeated. However, Japan did not surrender, and prolonging the war was not an option for America, as it believed it would cause even more casualties, not only to American troops, but to Japan as well. Thus the USA was justified in dropping the bombs on Japan.
The fatal atomic bombings of the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki during the end of World War II are written down in history books today. This is because they had a drastic story behind them that changed the world and the lives of many civilians. The United States decision to drop the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki during World War II had both positive and negative results.
After victory in Europe and defeating the Third Reich Nazis, World War II was not yet over. Japan was still a threat, their persistence and ability to fight really annoyed America. As a propaganda poster from World War II exclaimed, “Shall we let him get away with it,” (Document B). The United States needed to punish Japan for attacking American territories such Pearl Harbor, the Philippines, and Wake Island. Dropping the bombs would send a message
Hiroshima and Nagasaki - Japanese struck United State by bombing Pearl Harbor and killed 2,000 Americans. United States responded back by bombing back. The bombing purpose was to end the World War II. The US first boomed Hiroshima and the second bombed at Nagasaki. The bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki killed 200,000 civilians. There were 3,200 interned Americans citizens died at Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
On the 8th of December 1941, the United States congress declared war on the empire of japan in response to that country’s surprise attack on Pearl Harbor the prior day. It was formulated an hour after the infamy speech of US President Roosevelt. Following the declaration, Japan’s allies, Germany and Italy, declared war on the United States, bringing the United States fully into World War II. When the Allied forces finally got to the point where an invasion on the Japanese mainland was inevitable, it was decided to use the Atomic weapons due to the fact that Japanese leaders had convinced their people to fight the death against “the foreign invaders”. Faced with the prospect of an invasion that could easily cost millions of lives on both sides, the US decided to drop the big ones and hopefully end the war with relatively few lives lost. They chose to target Hiroshima and Nagasaki because of their strategic importance to the empire. Both were military ports used to supply the armed forces of Japan and were filled with military supplies. So the bombs were dropped to end the war, not in revenge of Pearl
The United States made the right decision to bomb the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. President Truman, felt that is was evident that the other alternatives where the Allied forces thought of invading Japan could have led to a lot of casualties on their part (Roark 685). Another reason can be because it is the same Japan that agitated America to join the Second World War, which it had initially avoided, by bombing the Pearl Harbor (Riggs 3). Apparently, this grudge was carried forward.
Bombing two major cities may seem wrong but it was necessary in order to come out as a successful nation. During World War 2 on August 6th and 9th of 1945 the United States was the first country to use an atomic device against an enemy. This enemy was the country of Japan. After the Japanese killed thousands of U.S soldiers with their ruthless and unexpected attack on Pearl Harbour the United States released two atomic bombs on their two major cities. These cities were known as Nagasaki and Hiroshima. After the bombs were dropped the war was put to an end. The use of the atomic bombs is a widely debated topic on whether their use was necessary or not. The bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were not only necessary to end the war but it was also necessary because many American lives were lost.
President Truman's decision to drop the atomic bomb on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were the direct cause for the end of World War II in the Pacific. The United States felt it was necessary to drop the atomic bombs on these two cities or it would suffer more casualties. Not only could the lives of many soldiers have been taken, but possibly the lives of many innocent Americans. The United States will always try to avoid the loss of American civilians at all costs, even if that means taking lives of another countries innocent civilians.
There was also the question of time. The atomic bomb was by far the quickest way that America could see for the ending of the war, and they were eager to end the war as before long, Russia would become involved making a heavier casualty rate inevitable. America were also a very powerful country now they had the development of the Atomic Bomb, it would have been a waste to not be able to show their true power and the true destruction they could use through the bomb. There is also the point that the Americans were looking for revenge against the Japanese, as they had injured and killed many American soldiers, and even more to come, had the Americans not taken quick action.
was fully justified in dropping the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, because of the unprovoked and brutal attacks on civilians, grounded airplanes, and the docked U.S. Pacific fleet by the Japanese. By retaliating with the atomic bomb to end the war the United States showed the world the power and weapons of mass destruction that it possessed and that it was not afraid to use them. This also issued a warning to the Soviet Union, who at the time was our ally, but was slowly turning into an enemy. In addition to showing the world the United States power, the atomic bombs crushed Japan not just physically, but also morally giving them no other option, but to surrender. Japan was on the edge of surrender with a great amount of inner turmoil, but Japans military leaders had declared no surrender and ordered their people to fight to the death of the last man, woman, and child, so in using the atomic bomb we forced them to the breaking point and saved millions of lives. Without the dropping of the atomic bombs the U.S. would have invaded the Japanese homeland in Operation Downfall where a great slaughter would have ensued. Nearly 500,000 Purple Heart medals were pre-made in anticipation of the invasion, but the atomic bombs saved this massive loss of life. The results brought about by the atomic bombs were very devastating and gruesome; they caused thousands of deaths and injuries and should not be employed except in the most dire
bombing actions on Japanese countries, which were Hiroshima and Nagasaki, were shown as justified actions is the U.S. wanted to save innocent American lives during the war. This is because in document C it stated, “We have used it in order to shorten the agony of war, in order to save thousands and thousands of young Americans.” This quote explains that if the United States didn’t end the war any sooner, thousands and thousands of innocent American lives would have been lost. During the war, Japan was the cause of many American deaths. President Truman wanted to decrease the death rate of Americans lives. He thought that if there was a way to cause much causality on Japan and limit the number of the deaths of American soldiers. This idea that President Truman created became a reality because this idea was the use of the atomic bomb. When the U.S. used the atomic bomb on Japan, it ended the agony of war, saved many American soldiers’ lives, and destroyed Japan’s power to create a war. This quote shows that if the U.S. didn’t stop Japan from surrendering the war, it would’ve costed them a lot because it would cause many casualties of young American soldiers and innocent
President Truman's decision to drop the atomic bomb on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were the direct cause for the end of World War II in the Pacific. The United States felt it was necessary to drop the atomic bombs on these two cities or it would suffer more casualties. Not only could the lives of many soldiers have been taken, but possibly the lives of many innocent Americans. The United States will always try to avoid the loss of American civilians at all costs, even if that means taking lives of another countries innocent civilians.
Although dropping the Atomic Bomb was detrimental to a group of Japanese citizens, it saved many American lives and ultimately ended the war. If the American Army tried to make a land attack against the Japanese they would have lost many American lives, and possibly many more Japanese lives. And there would have been a possibility of many more years of fighting. Also the Japanese were given fair warning, on July 26 the Japanese were given the chance to surrender known as the Potsdam Declaration. Even though many people see the dropping of the Atomic bomb as a good thing, many people were against it because it cost many civilians their lives.
After the Japanese dropped the bomb on Pearl Harbor, the United States took serious offense to it. The Americans dropped the bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki because of them dropping the bomb on Pearl Harbor. America dropped the bomb because President Harry Truman commanded that if the Japanese made any attack on us, we would attack them. This bomb badly affected Japan. At least 140,000 Japanese people died, including 20,000 soldiers by December of 1945. At least 90% of the deceased were killed within two weeks of the bomb being dropped. 92% of 76,000 buildings were destroyed. (“Hiroshima Committee”)
If the bombings accomplished one goal of the United States, it was the level of destruction rampant throughout the cities of Nagasaki and Hiroshima. A constant variable present in both incidents was the harm inflicted upon the people, buildings, and government forces, which were all in the center of the cities. While the United States caused irreplaceable damage, it failed to aid other goals that were needed to crippling the enemy’s power. Although industries and people were eliminated, the political effect of crushing Japan failed, because the nation had more determination than Truman first thought when it came to survival and reconstruction. Hiroshima and Nagasaki were devastating military tragedies to Japan with high physical damage, but their impact did not help the United States achieve its desired