
Hiroshima Essay

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Chapter 1 – A Noiseless Flash

The story starts out by a mini intro of the characters. Toshiko Sasaki, a clerk in the East Asia Tin Works, was sitting down talking to the girl of the next desk. Dr. Fuji was sitting down the Osaka Asahi on the porch of his private hospital. Mrs. Hatsuyo Nakamura, a tailor’s widow, stood by the window of her kitchen, watching a neighbor tear down his house. Father Wilhelm Kleinsorge, a German priest, reclined in his underwear on a cot on the top floor of his order’s mission house. Dr. Terufumi Sasaki, a young member of the surgical staff of the city’s Red Cross Hospital, walked along in the halls carrying a blood specimen. Reverend Mr. Kiyoshi Tanimoto, a pastor of the Hiroshima …show more content…

They reached home after about 30 minutes later (2:30). She turned on the radio, to her dismay, broadcasted a fresh warning. She did not want to move anymore (she has been for a very long time). So she set her children to sleep. She started to cook some rice and watched a neighbor tear down his house. Suddenly, everything flashed whiter than any white had ever seen. Mrs. Nakamura was about ¾ miles away from the center of the explosion. She seemed to fly into the next room over the raised sleeping platform, pursued by parts of her house. Her youngest daughter was buried and unable to move. Mrs. Nakamura frantically tried to claw her daughter out, not knowing of her other children.

Dr. Masakazu Fujii

Dr. Fujii was the proprietor of a peculiarly Japanese institution: a private, single doctor hospital. His hospital was next to the Kyo River, and next to the bridge at the same name, contained 30 rooms for the patients and their kinfolk. Dr. Fujii had only straw mats for his patients and not beds. He did have some modern equipment- an X-ray machine, diathermy apparatus, and a fine tiled laboratory. The structure rested 2/3 on the land, one-third on piles over the tidal waters of the Kyo. He now only had two patients, women from Yano, injured in the shoulder, and a young man of 25 recovering from burns from the steel factory. Dr. Fujii had six nurses to tend his patients. His wife and children

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