
Historical Event Essay On The Elections Of President Barack Obama

Decent Essays

Elections of President Barack Obama I chose to do my historical event essay on the Elections of President Barack Obama. I chose this because President Obama is a well- respected man and also the first African American president ever in history. President Obama is the 44th president of the United States. He was first the senate of Illinois and that’s how he got a boost in his election for president. President Obama was first elected on November 4th of 2008 and is currently serving his second and last term in office. As of 2016 Obama will be done with his last term as President Barack Obama.
Obama is the first African American president in the United States ever. Obama’s election to the senate instantly made him the highest ranking African American office holder in the country. President Obama first announced his presidential candidacy on February 10, 2007. He was then elected in the year of 2008. He was elected over senator john McCain of Arizona. President Obama chose Joseph r Biden Jr. as his running partner; he was an U.S senator from Delaware since 1972 and a one time democratic candidate for president. Part of Obama speech that he spoke when …show more content…

He quickly began attempting to foster support for his economic stimulus package. American recovery and reinvestment act of 2009 was passed in the house and in the senate. He signed the Ledbetter law requiring equal pay for women. He also ordered the closure of the Guantanamo Bay detention camp in Cuba. At the end of the first 100 days 65% agreed and only 29 % disagreed. In the second term Obama ran against Mitt Romany and won the election. Many people believed that the second term will run out roughly in July of 2014. The reason is that they believed that he wouldn’t take care of the priorities that he have. Therefore he has proven to those who didn’t believe that he was the right person that needed to be

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