
Historical Events Change Over Time Essay

Decent Essays

Key is defined as “Of paramount importance” A time standard is a specification for measuring time: either the rate at which timepasses; or points in time; or both. In modern times, several time specifications have been officially recognized as standards, where formerly they were matters of custom and practice. There are a vast amount of different historical developments encasing each area of knowledge. There are ones that can be discussed more than another. The two most significant areas of knowledge in which this question applies to is the History and Religion areas of knowledge. This is the case because the perception regarding aspects of the two constantly change. Key events are constantly looked back upon and compared to the standards …show more content…

Revisionist view regarding the Kennedy’s administration regarding the actions he took during the Cuban Missile Crisis describes his actions when emphasizing the danger of the situation was unnecessary because the missiles that were placed in Cuba didn’t affect the nuclear balance between the Soviet Union and the United States because the United states was not under any greater threat than the soviets were because of the similar missile placements in Turkey by the U.S. The blockade enacted by Kennedy and making the crisis public made the situation more dangerous. People saw Kennedy making the crisis public as a plan to increase appeal for his administration in order to increase personal and national prestige. Today, new interpretations and evidence shows that Kennedy attempted to act diplomatically and statesmanlike, he attempted to compromise and was not motivated by self interest and succeeded. He acknowledged the dangers of a nuclear war and the concept of MAD (mutually assured destruction) Kennedy would go behind ExComm (The Executive Committee of the National Security Council) and had the secret agreement with the Soviets to remove the warheads in Turkey. Additionally, it was revealed in 1987 that he had a backup option regarding an “if all else fails ” plan, the United Nations Secretary General was to suggest a Turkey - Cuba trade off that Kennedy would then

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