
Historical Events In Night By Elie Wiesel

Decent Essays

Knowledge gained from historical events can help society understand what happens in today’s world. In the book Night by Elie Wiesel, Wiesel’s experiences help form humankind's comprehension of historical events, so that the lessons within the book can be applied to current events. Like the gang violence crisis in Haiti. In the book, Wiesel describes the traumatic situations he had to go through during the Holocaust to convey themes—like to appreciate family—that should be applied to other events that happen today. For instance, when Elie and his family arrive at the first concentration camp, and Elie and his Father are separated from his mother and sisters, he says, “I walked on with my father, with the men. I didn't know that this was the moment in time and the place …show more content…

This can connect to the gang violence in Haiti because there are multiple kidnappings causing people to be separated from their families. Another instance of this is when Wiesel and his father are told to strip and get their hair shaved, Wiesel states, “My head was buzzing; the same thought surfacing over and over: not to be separated from my father” (35). This demonstrates that Elie desperately wants him and his father to stay together. By presenting the reader with this information, the reader can infer that to cope with the detachment from half of his family, Elie stays with his father for as long as he can. This also can be applied to the crisis in Haiti because the people similarly are straining to keep their families together. To summarize, Wiesel tells autobiographical stories about his exposure to the Holocaust to teach the reader to treasure family, and to aid readers in understanding other conflicts. Again, Elie Wiesel utilizes his experience in the Holocaust to tell the lesson of never giving up even when suffering, which is useful when comprehending current

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