
Historical Facts And Creative License In Michael Shaara's Killer Angels

Decent Essays

The author of Killer Angels combined historical facts and creative license to make the book more interesting to the readers.Killer Angels is a classic novel about the Civil War. The day that two armies of America fought for two different dreams.Those dreams were freedom,and a way of life.It was an unforgettable battle led by Chamberlain.It was more than just men who fell in the battlefield at Pennsylvania, there was promises,innocence, and love.Chamberlain led the Union army to victory and to it's people freedom.The author of Killer Angels use historical facts and creative license to make Chamberlain's honorable thoughts,words,and actions clear to the reader.

First, Michael Shaara uses historical facts and creative license to make the story of the Battle of Gettysburg entertaining to the readers.According to the text, “Chamberlain bounded and slipped on wet rocks,forgetting his hurts,his throat stuffed…”(230).This supports my thesis because it proves Chamberlain to be honorable.Even though he is hurt,he chose to be brave and be with his soldiers.The historical fact within the quote is that Chamberlain was wounded 4 times during …show more content…

As the text states,”...He said to himself;Lawrence,old son,treasure,his moment.Because you can feel as good man can feel.”(236)This evidence supports the thesis and proves Chamberlain to be honorable because he led the Union Army to victory during the Battle of Gettysburg.The historical fact in this evidence is that Chamberlain was thinking a lot and had to make a lot of decisions by himself.It is shown how the author uses creative license by adding Chamberlain words,thoughts,and actions because no one knew how Chamberlain was feeling or what was he thinking after the victory of the Union Army.In summary, the author added that to make the story more interesting and significant to the

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