
Historically Influential Religions

Decent Essays

Religions and rituals are one of the most historically influential topics in our society. Among all the religions in the world, there are some oldest, biggest, and the most influential religions and they are Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, and Judaism. Religion itself has a big impact on our lives, but also the religious rites take a big part from past to present. Buddhism is a religion mainly concerned in one’s inner peace and liberation from suffering. It is originated from India reaching almost 2,500 years of history. There are approximately 367 million followers in today’s world. Gautama Buddha, also known as the young Indian prince Siddhartha Gautama or “the awakened one”, is the founder and leader of this religion. The root word Budh in Sankrit means “to wake up” and “to know. (Smith&Novak 4)” The encouragement on how Gautama gets to bring Buddhism to people comes from the “suffering” he saw outside of his palace. During his life, Gautama established the community of monks “Sangha” and taught the path to liberate from suffering “Dharma.” …show more content…

There are approximately 2.04 billion Christians within some 2,000 years of its history. Friedrich Schleiermacher, a German theologian, philosopher and biblical scholar, defined Christianity as “a monotheistic faith… essentially distinguished from other such faiths by the fact that in it everything is related to the redemption accomplished by Jesus of Nazareth. (Jones 1660; Vol.3)” The history of Christianity starts with Jesus of Nazareth, and through his 12 disciples Christianity boosts its expansion. Its official establishment was made by Constantine, the emperor of Rome. The broadly known phrase “in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” portraits the meaning of the Christian doctrine “The Trinity” which symbolizes God in three

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