
Historically When You Looked Up The Definition Of Marriage

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Historically when you looked up the definition of marriage in the dictionary, it defined marriage as a union between a man and a woman. According to, Merriam-Webster changed its definition of marriage in 2003. The revised version now defines marriage as the state of being married as spouses in a consensual and contractual relationship recognized by law. Currently, in 2017 more sources have also made revisions to redefine marriage. They are now defining marriage as being between two people instead of being between just a man and a woman. For decades, same-sex couples have been deprived of the same rights that opposite couples have always had. The case of Obergefell v Hodges made a huge impact in the U.S. and have changed the …show more content…

The state of Michigan, then and still prohibits joint, legal adoptions from same-sex couples. Legally, they both could not be parents to their kids. This also means that if the legal parent or one of the children dies, their spouse will not receive custody of their child. Contrary to Deboer and Rowse’s case, other plaintiffs in Obergefell v. Hodges married in states where same-sex marriage is legal. However, when they relocated to other states where same same-sex marriage was not legal, their marriages were not recognized, and banned. One of the plaintiffs U.S. Army First Class Ijpe Dekoe stated that it was “particularly painful,” because “he is denied the very freedom, liberty, and equality that he risked his life to protect,” according to These plaintiffs and others with similar cases sued state officials in Kentucky, Ohio, Michigan, and Tennessee for violating their rights under the Fourteenth Amendment.
Once the lawsuit was filed the district courts found for the plaintiffs in each occurrence, however the state officials filed an appealed for the Sixth Circuit to the United States Court of Appeals. The Court of Appeals combined the cases and ruled out under the constitution that states did not have to license or welcome same sex marriage. The plaintiffs responded by petitioning the United States Supreme Court for certiorari, and it was granted. On April 28, 2015, oral arguments in all four cases under the Obergefell

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