
History Of The United States

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Lieba Kahan History of the United States Professor Markson There are people who say that the American Revolution began when the colonists decided they did not want to be part of Britain any longer. While this may have been a reason for some, there were many colonists that wanted to remain part of Britain. The events that led to the transformation from loyal Englishman to Americans stemmed from different things, including that the colonists felt that their rights as British citizens were being trampled on. In the 1750’s, there were major tensions over different events that were occurring in America. A fight broke out in 1754 over land that was in the Ohio valley that was claimed by Pennsylvania, Virginia , the French and the …show more content…

In 1765, a loyalist, Thomas Hutchinson, the chief justice and lieutenant in Massachuestes tried to create aligned interests between Britain and colonists , and he created a plan called the Albany plan of Union. It was a unified defensive unit to prevent Indian wars, but it failed. After the seven year war, Hutchinson spoke to a patriot named Samuel Adams about the taxation from the Parliament (Britain’s government). He believed that the British did not have the right to tax the colonists because they did not represent them properly. While privately he rallied against the stupidity of the British acts that created trouble, he was also a loyalist of Britain, and did believe in the British governments policies. Hutchinson would not publicly protest this tax, so Adams decided to do the job himself. He came out against the policy, and recruited thousands of supporters and activists in the interim. By 1775,these events convinced a large number of Americans that a concentrated effort was going to rob them of their liberties. Their most essential Right to Liberty of self-taxation, the right to live free of occupation, and the right to self-rule were all being threatened. Large crowds protested against the British taxation policies that had been enacted after 1763 including The Sugar Act, The Stamp Act, The Townshend duties, and the tea act. A meeting of hundreds of minutemen at Concord were willing to die for these

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