
Essay about History of Special Education

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History of Special Education The recent history of special education began in 1975 when Congress passed the Education for all Handicapped Children Act (EAHCA). The law was renamed the Individuals with Disabilities Education act (IDEA) in 1990. These laws made it mandatory for schools to meet the special needs of all students. Special education was around prior to 1975, but in most cases in a very different manner than it is today. Special education in its earliest form usually happened in the parent’s home, in a one on one situation. The reason for this was people with disabilities usually did not venture far from their homes. In the early part of our country most schools were one or two room school houses with usually only one …show more content…

These conditions were usually better than the institutions, and the individuals were actually worked with. This was the real start to patients being diagnosed with specific disabilities and to information being shared about symptoms and treatments. For the immediate years prior to 1975, the students with milder disabilities were being taught right in the schools, or in schools specific to their needs. These students usually were not part of the regular classrooms, but had their own little class apart from the student population. The passage of EAHCA and IDEA changed the shaped of special education forever and are the laws which govern special education today. Why did congress enact these laws? Congress enacted these laws due to these findings: ‘‘(2) Before the date of enactment of the Education for
All Handicapped Children Act of 1975 (Public Law 94–142), the educational needs of millions of children with disabilities were not being fully met because—
‘‘(A) the children did not receive appropriate educational services; ‘‘(B) the children were excluded entirely from the public school system and from being educated with their peers;
‘‘(C) undiagnosed disabilities prevented the children from having a successful educational experience; or
‘‘(D) a lack of adequate resources within the public school system forced families to find services outside the public school system. (congress, 2004)

The laws associated with IDEA changed special education in

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