
Hitler's Propaganda And Ideas

Decent Essays

I chose to research world war 2 because I am into history and Hitler is one of the many leaders. To come up with a research question, I ask myself why it’s important to learn about Hitler. After researching a little about him, my research question is “how did Hitler’s propaganda and ideas, persuade the German people to elect him as their chancellor”? I narrow my search by looking at the historical figures in world war 2. I look at who had the most impact and who I can learn the most about that will interest me? I found out that Hitler’s leadership skills are very important to how he got into power. With this information, my final thesis is “Hitler’s propaganda and ideas brought him to power by taking advantage of the Treaty of Versailles and …show more content…

I used the first two keywords to learn about his ideas and goals. Then I use a category from my thesis to support the first two keywords. Advanced search techniques that I used was Boolean operator and broad searching. I broke my thesis into concepts such as Hitler’s propaganda and ideas, Treaty of Versailles and treating the German people as one entity. After that, I used concept terms and alternative words to replace each concept. I replace Hitler’s propaganda and ideas with Hitler’s ideology, Treaty of Versailles with the advantage of treaties and treating the German people as one entity with treating the mass as a whole. Then I use nesting to put them all together and add parentheses to each concept. I came up with (Hitler’s Ideologies) and (advantage of the treaty) and (treating the German mass as a whole). For broad searching, I pick two concepts from my thesis such as Hitler’s ideas and Treaty of Versailles and put them together by adding the word “or”. The Boolean operator worked best for my topic because it had articles that talked a little about all of the keywords I used in the search query. The broad searching didn’t work so well because it focused more on the first concept that I typed in and there was rarely any info on the second concept. I used library databases to find scholarly articles and library catalogs to find books and magazine/newspaper article. To find a website, subject specific encyclopedia and audiovisual source, I use the internet search

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