
Essay about Hobson's Choice by Harold Brighouse

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"Hobson's Choice" by Harold Brighouse

Analyse the events of act one and discuss how the playwright, Harold
Brighouse prepares the audience for the transformation of Will
Mossop's character as seen in act four.

Hobson's Choice was set in the Victorian time of 1880. It was written in 1915 and is a Lancashire comedy that also refers to class. When
Maggie marries Will, it is seen as a disgrace because Maggie is marrying someone of a lower class.

Hobson's choice shows the rise of Will Mossop (a boothand) who is a nervous, unconfident man and how he changes when he marries Maggie, the daughter of Hobson. Maggie is the complete opposite of Will and she transforms him. It shows Hobson and others around them disagreeing with the …show more content…

It shows that he doesn't expect anything good to happen to him. This shows his lack of confidence.

Before Maggie makes her proposal, she talks to Will about leaving
Hobson's. He tells her that he doesn't want to leave Hobson's. He says that he fears going out to a larger shop in Manchester.

"Nay, I'd be feared to go in them fine places"

When Maggie announces that they are going to get married Will is completely shocked. At first he thinks that Maggie just wants a partnership. "Partnership! Oh that's a different thing"

Then he finds out that she wants them to get married and this shocks him even more. He is in total disbelief.

" Well by gum! And you the masters daughter."

At the end of Act 1 we see the first change in Will. Maggie announces to Hobson that she is marrying Will and that she wants too be paid for working in the shop. Hobson summons Will and goes to hit him with a belt. However will stands up to Hobson and tells him that it wasn't his idea to marry Maggie, it was the other way around and then threatens Hobson by saying that if he hits him he will walk out with

" I'm none wanting thy Maggie, it's her that's after me. But I'll tell you this, Mr Hobson: if you touch me with your belt, I'll take her quick, aye, and stick to her like glue."

This shows that Maggie has already started to change Will. He has stood up to Hobson, something that he

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