
Holden Caulfield Innocence Quotes

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Isolation because of fear makes relating to others very difficult. In the novel The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger, Holden Caulfield isolates himself throughout the book because of his many fears such as growing up, lack of companionship, and his views of authenticity. To begin with, Holden Caulfield struggles with the reality of growing up during the course of the novel. In example, Holden erases all the swear words on the school wall in attempt to preserve innocence. Holden states, “Somebody’d written “Fuck you” on the wall. It drove me damn near crazy. I thought how Phoebe and all the other little kids would see it and how they’d wonder what the hell it meant…” (Salinger, 201). This quote proves that Holden wants to preserve innocence since he cares so much about …show more content…

Many of Holden’s meaningless encounters are described throughout the novel. Such as when Holden takes Sally Hayes out on a date and makes the decision that Sally and him should run away together. But when Sally responds with, “You can’t just do something like that… In the first place, we’re both practically children” (Salinger, 172). Holden responds with such rude behavior from being rejected, that it makes this event unbearable. He isolates himself and becomes offensive towards Sally in an attempt to preserve his feeling of individuality. Further illustration of Holden’s struggle would be when he agreed to have a prostitute in effort to feel some kind of companionship. When the prostitute arrives he decides that he rather just talk. Holden elucidates, “I sat down again and tried to keep the old conversation going. She was a lousy conversationalist” (Salinger, 125). Holden soon realizes how messed up the situation is and that is why he can’t follow through with it. He makes up a phony story about having a recent surgery on his clavichord and the encounter ends leaving Holden feeling worse than

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