
Holden Caulfield's 'Catcher In The Rye'

Decent Essays

Chris Scheiner SCHS English Honors III 3 November 2016 Literature Essay need an original title Going to a new place can be very frightening, it can make you want to turn around and go back to the comfort of familiarity. Holden Caulfield is reaching adulthood but he desperately wants to turn around and hold on the his familiar childhood. He makes the bridge between these two place out to be huge but in reality they're not as far apart as he thinks. Holden is a sixteen year old boy on the verge of becoming a man. But his refusal to become an adult and face responsibility of his new role. Holden frequently fails out of school because of his lack of effort. The responsibilities of school parallel the responsibilities of adulthood. Both require …show more content…

As grief consumed Holden since, he never could get over his brother’s death. He says, “I don’t care if it’s a sad goodbye or a bad goodbye, but when I leave a place I like to know I’m leaving it. If you don’t, you feel even worse”(Salinger 7). Holden didn’t get any sort of goodbye from Allie because of his untimely passing. He was full of rage and hurt his hand which put him in the hospital, missing Allie’s funeral. Holden refusing to become an adult and desperately trying to cling to his younger self is a sign of his past experience with change. When Allie left without a goodbye, it changed Holden’s perception of the world around …show more content…

In a way Phoebe is on one side of the bridge between childhood and adult life. Holden’s view about the differences between those worlds is skewed by his past experiences and his reluctance of dealing with his issues. In a conversation with his sister Holden explains, “ I keep picturing all these kids playing some game in this big field of rye and all. Thousands of little kids, and nobody’s around- nobody big, I mean- except me. And I’m standing on the edge of some crazy cliff. What i have to do, I have to catch everybody if they start to go over the cliff’(Salinger 224). Holden’s longing to catch the kids before they fall shows that he wants the children to to never experience the tragedy and unfortunate things that have happened to him. This shows a lot about Holden’s character in the sense of even though some bad things have happened to him, he wants to help little kids out in any way he

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