
Holocaust : Jews Crossing The Bridge

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Jennifer Panther CRN #15227 October 8, 2015 Professor Gair Tab 5: Ghetto Life Picture: Jews Crossing the Bridge in the Lodz Ghetto According to my research, there were 3 of these bridges that linked the ghettos. These bridges had to be crossed at least twice per day by the Jews going to and coming home from work. While the Jews walked, they were known to sing songs that told of hunger, a call for revolt, hope of escape and abuse of power in a corrupt administration. (I also found one of these songs) The Ghettos The ghettos were used as a means to hold the Jews captive, and isolate what Heydrich had termed the “plague” until they could find a what to eradicate the problem. This made it appear that the Nazi’s were helping the Jews, and was a way to cover up the “final solution.” These ghettos were strategically placed near railways to assist in mass deportation to death camps. After the invasion of the Soviet Union, in June 1941 the Nazi government began to conceive of a plan to exterminate the Jews of Europe. Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler was the chief architect of the plan, which came to be called the Final Solution to the Jewish Question. The Judenrate were a way to enforce the occupation force 's anti-Jewish laws in the ghettos, and had no authority of their own. A local Judenrate was to include Rabbis and other influential people of their community. The Germans did not govern the ghettos themselves, so that the

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