
Holocaust Prejudice Quotes

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The boy in the striped pyjamas is a historical and an award winning Novel by John Boyne. The Novel clearly suggests that the holocaust was the result of Prejudice and Discrimination. This novel has many different themes, one of the main Themes throughout the novel is Prejudice and Discrimination. Discrimination means the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people, especially on the grounds of gender, Race and Age. Prejudice means preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience. John Boyne clearly describes that the holocaust was the result of Prejudice and Discrimination. This essay will show some examples of Prejudice and Discrimination. Firstly this essay will show how the Germans were so against …show more content…

The boy in in the striped pyjamas is based in world war two were Germans were against Jews. For example it is shown when Bruno’s Father (The Commandant) talks about Jews while Bruno was talking to his father he asked a very interesting question. Who are those people outside my window? His father replies ‘Ah those people……Well they are no people at all (Pg.31). Ralf is saying Jews are not real and they are not people at all. This highlights that Bruno’s father (Ralf) has no respect or consideration for Jews and treats them really badly. This example shows Prejudice and Discrimination towards Jews the storyline held/set in World War 2 when Discrimination was utilized as a weapon. For the Nazi’s were led to believe, from Hitler (their leader depicted in the novel under several names including fury) that it is normal and ok to discriminate against the Jews because they believed that they weren’t people at all.. There for this is one of the many examples of Discrimination against the Jews in World War 2 and John Boyne as shone throughout the novel, the links to what the soldiers did to the Jews throughout World War …show more content…

What he would do to Pavel? ( Jews were not supposed to touch or help Germans in world War II another example is while Lieutenant Kotler was walking in the kitchen, Shmuel and Bruno were talking while Shmuel were cleaning the glasses just as he was eating he shouted ‘where did you that from’ he shouted. Then Shmuel answered ‘he gave it to me’ Bruno answered ‘I have never seen him before or spoken to him’ (pg.171 2007). why do you think Bruno lied? He lied because he was scared that he would get beaten up by lieutenant Kotler. So he lied and gave the blame to Shmuel. (Bruno has fear he would get beaten up just like Pavel got beaten up by Kotler. Bruno is terrorise by lieutenant Kotler) this example highlights Bruno has fear and he terrorise by Kotler this shows Prejudice and

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