
Home Buying Home Essay

Decent Essays

Why Are So Many L.A. County Home Buyers Choosing Homes Near Urban Eyesores and Freeways?
For many city dwellers, living near a freeway, railroad tracks, and a host of other "urban eyesores" has been a fact of life for as long as they and in many cases, their entire families can remember. In today's world, this type of living has been part of city life not only in Los Angeles County but in crowded cities in the U.S. and around the world.
For decades, city dwellers have done everything they can to move out to the suburbs or find a place to call home as far as possible from these areas as possible. However, this is beginning to look like a thing of the past as what were once considered to be among the least desirable properties due to noise, …show more content…

We generally see multiple offers on all of our listings."
In real estate lingo, this movement towards buying homes in inner city areas is often referred to as "infill residential development." The process involves developers coming in and buying up the land, demolishing whatever happens to be on it and renovating the soil by removing any contaminants (something that is very common in former industrial properties).
Churches, old building, former factories, trash-filled lots, bowling alleys, parking lots, nothing is safe as they are all demolished and cleaned up to make way for new housing developments. What might surprise you, is that developers are snapping up these properties even when they have not yet been rezoned for residential construction. Those that are located in an area that is already zoned as residential are typically the first to go, especially when they are within walking distance of shops, restaurants, and numerous other urban conveniences.
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