
Home For A New Home

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If you need to move from your existing home to a new home in California, the train tracks you embark on may actually be a roller coaster. If you want to move to San Francisco or Los Angeles, finding a home that is affordable can be challenging and in these two cities may not be possible. Sellers are enjoying getting multiple offers and often sell their homes for above asking price. With the possible exception of San Diego, the rest of California has a relatively stable housing market. With that said, buying and selling a home simultaneously is still stressful, anxiety provoking, and scary. You can be more in control of the selling process by using For Sale by Owner (FSBO) techniques that can save you up to 6 percent of your sale prices as a commission to a real estate agent. Additionally, search FSBO sites for listings of homes in the area you want to buy – again, the homes you find may be a bit more affordable as the seller has no commissions to pay a real estate agent.
No matter what your location, the question is what do you do first – sell your home and then buy one? Or, buy first and then sell? This is as easy to answer as the question of which came first, the chicken or the egg?
Even more confounding is that are at least four options regarding answering buy or sell first? In no particular order they are,
1. Buy and sell simultaneously
2. Buy first, and then sell
3. Buy first and rent out your old home
4. Sell first and rent (or stay with gracious relatives) and then

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