
Home Interview Sample

Decent Essays

Minor unclear marks. Good audio resulting in a useful transcript. (00:00-02:50 Silence.) (02:50-05:16) Introduction... Tell me about yourself. I've been a homeowner for about 15 years. The current home that I am in is about 14 years old. We've only been in it for about six months. I had a home 13 years prior to that. I live here with my wife. I have two daughters that live here with me, and two step children, a boy and a girl. We have four kids that are here. No animals, no pets of any kind. We used to have rabbits but no longer. In my spare time I enjoy reading, enjoying the outdoors. I have some bird feeders, I enjoy feeding the local wildlife, squirrels and everything. I enjoy that. Bicycling. I enjoy getting out and riding my bike. …show more content…

It's like how do I know I'm going with the right guy, how do I know that I'm getting the best priced plumber. There's a little bit of hesitance for me knowing that are they going to leave me in the lurch. Are they going to do something wrong, I paid $500 to have something done and now I'm screwed because I can't (09:01 unclear.) There is a hesitance because I don't feel like I have a go-to guy sometimes for some of these things. That comes with time as you find somebody and use them over and over, you trust them. Or you ask neighbors, that's what I generally try to do is find out who do you use and are they good, are they reasonably priced. The hesitance just comes from reliability. Sometimes it's no fun to write that check at the end of the day either. I say is there something that I can do to allay some of that cost sometimes. (Mike) (09:47) What first comes to mind when I say, pest control? I think bugs, you think chemicals. Sprays. Those are the big ones for me. Maybe termites. Termites are ones that always come big to my mind when you think of exterminators or pest control. (Mike) (10:49) Are there pest that you've experienced in your home? Obviously mosquitoes, houseflies, gnats, spiders. Your basic world of pest. Nothing too extreme. (Mike) (11:24) Select a picture on the screen that best represents how you feel about pest control. WA, the house and the hands. I see pest control as a way of

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