I think homeless population are underserve . Even though many of this individuals suffered mental illness, criminal records on their file,trauma and no family support, I think homeless populations are underserve because of the high cost of housing in San Diego, Ca. This population interests me due to not only because I have children of my own and would never want them to go through life without roof over their head. Also, I work in Downtown San Diego and drive every day seeing many homeless individuals including families sleeping outside their tents and it bothers me to see this. Shelters in Downtown San Diego are so full, that people sleep outside the building waiting for a open bed, this is disturbing to see every day. Lack of Federal funding
1. In your text on pages 206-207, the author discusses his research on the homeless population. He refers to the many routes one can take to become homeless. Choose two populations from his list that you might work with in your career as a human services professional. Describe two possible interventions or tasks that you might be involved with in working with each population. What are some of the general skills a human services professional might need to work with these population?
Homelessness in the United States can be ended, not just maintained. Allot of cities now have plans to eradicate homelessness. Homelessness and housing instability are large issues that afflict a diverse demographic such as: Families, youth, veterans, and chronically homeless single male adults. Ending homelessness may require specialized solutions that are specific to individual needs. Factors like these make defeating homelessness a difficult task. Although solutions exist for some of the demographics, such as housing for chronically homeless adults, scaling up best practices remains a challenge. For other subpopulations, such as transitional aged youth, evidence-based interventions need to be developed. In this paper we argue that ending homelessness is a Grand Challenge that is big, important, and compelling—one that the profession of social work should be adopt. Meeting this challenge will require a focused, organized response from social work researchers, clinicians, and policymakers. Ending homelessness will require innovation and interdisciplinary or cross-sector collaboration. Key words: Housing First, Permanent Supportive Housing, rapid re-housing, prevention, poverty. The notion that homelessness in the United States can be ended, rather than managed (Mangano, 2002; National Alliance to End Homelessness, 2012), represents a fundamental shift in expectations from the 1980s and ’90s. Since the early 2000s, researchers, policymakers, advocates,
Homeless as defined by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as an individual who lacks housing, including those whose primary residence during the night is a supervised public or private facility that provides temporary living accommodations, they are a person with out permanent housing, who may live on the streets, in a shelter, abandoned building, or other unstable situations (HHS). It is important for communities throughout the United States to develop a system that identifies the number of homeless around them. This information is valuable to many government and private agencies, it enables them to acquire, and maintain needed resources and money in order to best serve their homeless populations. There are different ways that communities attempt to count their homeless population, shelters, feeding centers and others who provide resources are able to take count of how many they serve each day, but unfortunately it can be hard to track those who do not come on a returning basis. The US Census Bureau every 10 years also conducts a Service-Based Enumeration (SEB) to help count the population In the study published by the National
According to reporter Angelo Vargas who wrote in Krgv News “Homeless Decrease Nationwide, Many Coming to the Valley”, he stated that many homeless people are coming down to the Valley to live. This can be proven as you see many homeless people roaming the streets every day. People such as Jessie Cutgrass and Gerardo Rico have fallen victim and said that that they are coming here to have a better life. Homelessness is increasing in the Valley and The Hidalgo County is the seventh poorest county in the State of Texas.
Imagine how much more empowered the worker and lower income individuals would be if they didn't have or need to fear losing everything even if they’re getting fired. The United States has a lot of money probably trillion's or more dollars, which I believe is usually spent on war or sending troops to other country's for war when they are many citizens and people in the America losing their job. I know that there are a lot of people who probably quite there job, but those are the people I'm talking about I’m talking about the ones who get lay-end off, The United States I believe has a lot of money and a lot of people wanting help special form their government most of them can’t prove for their self so they need others to help, there isn’t really a reason why we could not solve poverty and homelessness, or even care for the many mentally ill who being on the streets either because they can’t keep their jobs or because they can’t provide for themselves.
I agree with you ,barrier always interfere the people health. As a nurses We need to educate each other to be culturally competent to address the medical needs of poor people, and also socially and politically competent to address the social context that keeps poor people poor from one generation to the next. Educate the poor people they are less likely to have adequate knowledge about threats to your health and to the health of family member. They are less likely to receive medical care from providers who are sensitive to your needs, who understand your living conditions, and who comprehend your personal and cultural perspectives on health and illness. It is our responsibility as nurses to be our patients advocate. Educate to homeless populations
Over the years Los Angeles has had the highest number of homeless people; this situation has been highly overlooked by media and political attention. Cities in many parts of the world may be known as centers for poverty whether if it 's a developed or developing country. No city, state, or country is prone to homelessness. Los Angeles in particular is an entry point for many immigrants who come to look for jobs. The intentions are not to cause there to be a vulnerability to poverty but to try to make a living some how. “Skid Row homeless population originates in South LA – where services and shelters lack resource adequacy and unemployment rates are high among adult men – and policy discussions rarely focus on this trend” (Howard, 4). Los Angeles Skid Row, is known to have the heaviest homeless population compared to other cities. Los Angeles does provide some homeless services like shelter and low-cost housing options for the poor but one of the issues that many homeless people come across is the lack of healthcare. Everyone can suffer from physical and mental health issues but there is a bigger impact on the homeless people in the Los Angeles county because they are not obtaining the proper help mentally, physically, and socially. Many people lose their lives or spread many disease amongst the community. The city of Los Angeles should provide healthcare for the homeless because this issue affects the homeless and everyone else around. More disease are passed around, more
Homelessness is a problem that happens in many different countries around the world. Definitions of homelessness are defined in different meanings by different people. However, the Stewart B. McKinney Act defines a homeless person as “ one who lacks a fixed permanent nighttime residence or whose nighttime residence is a temporary shelter, welfare hotel, or any public or private place not designed as sleeping accommodations for human beings” (McNamara 1025). It is impossible to find out exactly the number of homeless; however, the researchers can do a study to estimate that number. Based on different statistics from different researchers, the homeless population in America has been increasing as “an alarming rate” (Markos and Lima).
Cities across the United States are struggling with the matter of homeless people who congregate in public areas. Homeless people, some of whom have serious mental problems or addictions, cannot get into government-provided housing due to long waiting lists or incarceration records. They also may not have consistent access to soup kitchens or food pantries, because they are without transportation, or do not meet the agencies guidelines. As a result, the homeless congregate in public areas to panhandle for food and money. Non-profits or charities hand out meals in parks to help combat this issue. This can cause parks to become littered, leading them to be uninviting, which can diminish surrounding house values. In an endeavor to remove the homeless
Families live, die and are born on the streets of vast cities of United States. Less attention are shown to those who are homeless, people focus more on bigger issues when this is a major problem that has occurred for years. Statistics shows that 1.6 million youth run away from home each year between the ages of 12 and 17. The predominant race for runaways is White non-Hispanic (57%), Black non-Hispanic (17%), Hispanic (15%), and Other (11%) follow (Blaha). Homeless children most likely leave their original homes because of the way of life and the hard pressure due to their living environment and family issues. Homelessness makes children sick, wounds young children, & homeless children often struggle in school. Homeless children are in
In January 2015 there were 564,708 homeless in the US. They were all sleeping in the streets, emergency shelter or transitional housing. This paper is about why and what we should and could do to help the homeless.
Homelessness is a product of our entire country which is a direct reflection of our economy and there a lack of insight to those who have little to no means of digging themselves out of this rut. The loss of employment, unskilled laborers, lack of education which contributes
In the United States, the amount of the homeless individuals continues to fluctuate throughout the country and the inconsistency is apparent. In total, 33 states and the District of Columbia (D.C.) reported decreases in overall homelessness, while 16 states reported an increase (National Alliance to End Homelessness, 2016). The states with decreases in homelessness were focused in the South and Midwest (National Alliance to End Homelessness, 2016). Even though, there is a national decrease in unsheltered homelessness, only 18 states reported decreases in the number of people living in unsheltered locations such as streets, cars, and abandoned buildings. The national decrease in unsheltered homelessness was
In a city like New York City, that is a very congested area that causes pollution and has a lot of violence. As well as pollution and violence, there are a lot of homeless people out in big cities. People with no homes or no food go through a lot living on streets and imagine them inhaling all that bad chemicals around them without realizing. To me I would think homeless people are more prone to witness and experience crimes. Crime rate are probably really high in big cities, it’s not easy to find the criminals and police officers probably give up faster especially for something minor. A lot of people living there use a lot of the transportation. Buses, subways, and cabs, it’s a very fast moving area. So many vehicles cause a lot of pollution
It is likely that a homeless person might ask if you have any spare change to give, and that is only a small piece of the issue that we have today. The Alliance estimated that during a year, approximately five hundred and fifty thousand unaccompanied single youth and young adults up to age twenty four experience a homeless episode of longer than one