
Homeopathy In The United States

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According to WHO (world health organization) "Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, not merely the absence of disease or infirmity". Parents are always concerned their child's complete health (physical, mental, social and emotional). As a homeopathic physician the question that most people often asked me "why homeopathy is the best treatment option for kids?"
Homeopathy is an alternative branch of medical science that works on the basic principle of "similia similibus curenter", means "like cures like"-in another word, a substance taken in small amounts will cure the same symptoms it causes if it has taken in large amounts.
Dr. Samuel Hahnemann a German physician was the founder of homeopathy. He disagreed with …show more content…

In fact, I never go anywhere without homeopathic medicine. I often make use of them."- Paul McCartney
"Homeopathy is the safest and most reliable approach to aliments and has with stood the assaults established medical practice for over 100 years."- Yehudi Menuhin. (Daily telegraph august 12 1989)
An important survey of the use of homeopathy and homeopathic medicine in the USA has been published in the highly respected American journal of public health. the researcher used 2012 national health interview) to compare homeopathic users with supplement users and those using other complementary medicines, the result revealed that among US adults, 2.1% had used homeopathy within the past 12 months. The survey found that people who were more educated were that more likely to take homeopathic medicine than people who were less educated. (Source: www.
Homeopathy has some unique principles and methods for curing a disease. According to organon of medicine, in aphorism no.2 Dr. Hahnemann says,
"The highest ideal of cure is the rapid, gentle and permanent restoration of the health or removal and annihilation of the disease in its whole extent, in the shortest, most reliable and most harmless way, on easily comprehensive …show more content…

Although homeopathic remedies should not replace conventional treatment for serious health concerns, but they can be used as an alternative option. For example in the case of asthma in kids, it is necessary to use conventional inhalers and other indicated medicines. But we can add indicated homeopathic medicine along with them. When indicated medicine will start work on individual symptoms (it may take a time and patience is required) then the dose of conventional medicines can be tapered gradually. After a period of time patient can control his disease with homeopathic remedy

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