
Homeschooling And A Traditional Public Education

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Parenting does not come with a guide, but the decisions made by parents are essential to shaping a child’s future. One of the most significant decisions to be made is choosing the child’s educational plans. The only options that are available are homeschooling or a traditional public education. While there are a few options, the choice has to be assessed properly. The dilemmas placed before parents are the lack of knowledge for an education taught within a home setting or the lack of a proper environment within a traditional school setting.
There are many facets of homeschooling that people may not know. In order to understand the concept of homeschooling, it is important to define the term and point out its origin. Homeschooling is a nonpublic school directed mainly by the parent of guardian. Formal learning began at home with parents teaching their children domesticated skills and morals. The home-based education system changed in 1642 when the Massachusetts Bay Colony passed a law requiring children to be taught to read by parents. As time progressed, laws were made to change the teaching environment. Families were required to form grammar schools. Public school became mandatory in the 19th century when individual states started passing compulsory-schooling laws. These laws require parents to send their children to a public or state accredited private or parochial school. The majority of the states required children to begin school at ages five to seven years old and

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