
Homework Should Limit Middle School Students

Decent Essays

When Is It Enough
Students are mentally drained around the U.S. wh
Although homework teaches students responsibility, teachers should limit middle school students to an hour or less of homework a day because too much homework causes physical problems, stress, and social problems.
Physical problems can be caused from pushing students to the maximum with homework.
Students staying up late doing homework causes sleep deprivation.
Teachers, are you tired of students always laying their heads down and sleeping in class? I can answer that for you, yes. I have see it about everyday, students getting a rude awakening to put their heads up. “The Journal of Adolescent Health study found that 10% of adolescents sleep only 5 hours and 23 % sleep …show more content…

Not knowing how to help them
Stressing students on homework now helps them in the long run with tests and quizzes.
Putting a little stress on students will force them to get homework done on time. This also teaches them that not everything is going to come easy and you are going to have to work for different things like grades. "Everyone needs to experience stress. This is how we learn to solve challenges, build knowledge and acquire new skills," says psychologist Oddgeir Friborg (Øvreberg).

Students only focusing on homework increases social problems in their lives.
Homework causes students to have less time with family and …show more content…

Junior high students that have massive amounts of homework “have less time to spend with their families and friends” (Thompson). Many junior high students “were more likely to drop activities, not see friends or family, and not pursue hobbies they enjoy” (Stanford) . Every middler schoolers dream is to make the A team whether it is in basketball or volleyball. Teachers and coaches push the students to get involved in different activities at school. These extra curricular activities teaches them a lot of new skills they many not know causing stress on the student to learn the skill. However, studies show that many junior high students are not getting involved to the excessive amount of homework being served each night. “While many children do well with less organized extra- curricular activities, it is very important to main one or two to keep balance in their lives” (Cordz).

Many cases of depression (research).
Homework does cause depression when given an excessive amount. Depression can take a toll on students that are behind in class. Students dread going to classes that assign a lot of homework. I am not saying homeworks should not be assigned but rather cut down to 30 minutes a night. If students do not have any alone time or freedom to do what they want it can be to much and lead to depression. Depression can also be be caused by missing class, never hanging with friends, and no free time.

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