
Homo Sapiens Thesis

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Most scientists estimate that it was about 150,000 years ago that the species Homo Sapiens first appeared, armed with nothing; no sharp claws nor swift legs. Yet, despite this lack of physical advantages, their descendents—us—are now living in a world where we like to think that we rule this earth. Ours is a triumph that far transcends the expectations one might have had about our species—because, well, who’d have guessed that this particular kind of ape will one day dominate the earth? Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind is Dr. Yuval Noah Harari’s 500-page long attempt to provide answers to that question. (Which might not seem very “brief”, but it’s got all our 150,000 years condensed into one single volume… I mean, what’s not to like?)
Hailed by the Sunday Express as “a starburst of a book” and by Observer as “thrilling and breath-taking”, Sapiens, originally written in Hebrew, soon became an international bestseller following its publication in English. It’s now translated into more than 30 languages worldwide, including Korean.. This fact may strike you as peculiar, but in reality, it’s easy to see how it became so readily popular. Narrated by the Oxford-educated scholar, Dr. Harari, Sapiens is a tour-de-force that …show more content…

He suspects that the key to our success lies in our use of language. Our language is an extremely effective system that allows a limited number of vowels and consonants to form words, which then creates an endless amount of different sentences. Endowed with this ability that allowed us to share in complex identities ranging from tribal spirits and human rights, we came to cooperate in complicated procedures and consequently form societies. It was this great cognitive revolution that fundamentally differentiated us, argues Harari, from our ape

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