
Homosexuality In The Merchant Of Venice By Shakespeare

Decent Essays

Tatiana Huchin
October 24, 2017
Block: 2
What Is Love?

In the 21st century, homosexuality has been more acknowledged and accepted, than during the Elizabethan Era. During the Elizabethan Era, homosexual people existed, but it was not too common for someone to openly express their love for someone of the same sex. In Sonnet XX, Shakespeare describes through personal experience that love does not take gender into account. In his Twelfth Night play, Shakespeare portrays through a character, Orsino, that love has no boundaries. In The Merchant of Venice, also by Shakespeare, two of the main male characters are in love with each other. Shakespeare believes love does base itself on gender. Although in Shakespearean plays the principal couples are always male and female, these couples are not necessarily in love. In Sonnet XX, Shakespeare describes a person whom both men and woman love. Someone that people love to the extent that they do not care about this person’s gender. Shakespeare then goes on to say, “Nature, as she wrought thee, fell a-doting,/ and by addition me of thee defeated,/ by adding one thing to my purpose nothing/ But since she prick’d thee out for woman’s pleasure,/ mine be thy love and thy love’s use their treasure” (Sonnet XX, 10-14). In these lines, Shakespeare lets us know how even he finds himself to be in love with this mysterious person. Later, Shakespeare reveals that this person he loves is a man. Shakespeare seems upset with the fact that

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