
Hope Was Here Comparative Theme

Decent Essays

As I was reading Hope Was Here, by Joan Bauer, and Staying Fat For Sarah Byrnes, by Chris Crutcher, I started to see some common themes shared by the two books. Each book showed the values of a strong friendship, the power of strength and determination, and the importance of helping others. The first theme I noticed from the books is the value of friendship. In Staying Fat For Sarah Byrnes, if Sarah Byrnes didn’t have Eric Calhoune as a friend, she would have never told anyone the true story about the burns on her face. Having a friend to tell her story to, saved Sarah from her father. If Eric Calhoune didn’t have Sarah Byrnes as a friend, he would not have stood up for himself when he was getting picked on. He was able to do so because he had learned how to be tough from his friend Sarah Byrnes. In the book Hope Was Here, if GT Stoop didn’t have Hope and Braverman as friends, he wouldn’t have received half of his votes in his campaign for mayor. GT received more votes because his friends spent a lot of time campaigning for him. If Hope didn’t have GT as a friend, she would not have had the experience of having a father. …show more content…

In Staying Fat For Sarah Byrnes, if Sarah Byrnes did not have a lot of strength and determination she would not have learned to hold the secret of her dad burning her. The secret would have eaten her up inside but she had a lot of strength. If Eric didn’t have a lot of strength and determination he wouldn’t go the longest in his swim practices. He would give up if he didn’t have strength and determination. In Hope Was Here, If Addie didn’t have strength and determination, she would never have had a child. She had three miscarriages and finally she got Hope because Hope’s mother gave her up for adoption. If Hope didn’t have a lot of strength she wouldn’t have changed her name from Tulip to Hope. She wanted to live up to her name and having strength is a sign of

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