
Horse Feathers: The Maltese Falcon

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Horse Feathers
The Maltese Falcon is a classic detective novel and movie. The Story plot of modern detective movies which is about a lady, money and murder is just like Dashiell Hammett, The Maltese Falcon novel. Chapter seven and eight, which was merged together as a scene in The Maltese Falcon film version is the scene that stood out to me because of the significant difference that can be seen in the film version of The Maltese Falcon 1931 and Satan Met a Lady 1936.
Sam Spade arranges for a meeting between Miss Brigid, Mr. Cairo and himself. Mr. Cairo is happy to see Miss Brigid because he thinks Miss Brigid would be able to provide the Maltese Falcon. He tells Spade that the youth which Spade showed him is still watching over the house. …show more content…

Miss Brigid then asks Cairo about the offer Cairo had offered Spade and she asks Cairo how soon the money will be ready. Cairo replies that the does not have the money with him at the moment but he will be able to get the money in the morning, when the bank opens. Spade confirms what Cairo had said by telling Miss Brigid about the encounter between he and Cairo, that he had searched Cairo’s wallet but only found some change. Miss Brigid then tells Cairo that she does not have the bird with her as of yet because Thursby had hidden the bird but she thinks she knows where he had hidden it. This annoyed Cairo who thought Miss Brigid had the bird in her care. Miss Brigid then asks Cairo who he was getting the bird for and Cairo replied the owner. Miss Brigid was surprised that Cairo had gone back to work for Mr. Gutman. During their conversation, Cairo asked Miss Brigid if she is willing to sell the bird to him. Miss Brigid replied yes. She said she does not want what happened to Thursby to happen to her. Cairo then reminds her of how manipulative she is with men and this made her angry and she slapped Cairo across his …show more content…

Miss Brigid visits Spade because she wanted to see him. Spade takes Miss Brigid into his apartment. In this scene two different chapters are put together to make the dialogue. Spade tells Miss Brigid that Mr. Cairo visited him in his office and offered him five thousand dollars for the bird. Miss Brigid is a little surprised and she asked Spade if he was considering the offer. Spade told her Five thousand dollars is a lot of money. While they were talking, detective Dundy and detective Tom knocks at the door. Spade goes out to meet them but would not allow them into his apartment when they insisted. While Spade was still talking to the detective, Cairo cries “help, help.” Before this scene Cairo was not invited by Spade to meet with Miss Brigid. It was also not shown how Cairo got into Spade apartment. This is contrary to the book version which says Spade wanted Cairo to meet with him and Miss Brigid at his apartment. “In his bedroom, that was a living-room now the wall-bed was up, Spade took Brigid O'Shaughnessy's hat and coat, made her comfortable in a padded rocking chair, and telephoned the Hotel Belvedere. Cairo had not returned from the theatre. Spade left his telephone-number with the request that Cairo call him as soon as he came in” (Hammett, Chapter 7).With the scene being played out like that, it gives the viewers the impression that Cairo broke into the Spade

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