
Hosting The Summer Olympics At Los Angeles

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Hosting the Summer Olympics can be both appealing and pride provoking, but it can also be an arduous undertaking. Planning and preparing for it usually evokes a sense of fear strong enough for bidders to back out, like what the mayor of Boston did in regards to hosting the 2024 Summer Olympics. In response to this, the frantic U.S. Olympic Committee decided to reach out to the city of Los Angeles for help. Although the past two Summer Olympic Games held in Los Angeles have been successful, it is to be considered that the circumstances are much different now compared to how it was before. Therefore, taking on the responsibility as host for the 2024 Summer Olympics is simply not ideal for it could potentially lead to major concerns, including, increase in inconvenience during commutes, a technical displacement of revenues, and the possibility for the public to lose their properties. As mentioned above, Los Angeles hosted two of the most successful Summer Olympics Games held in history. This is all thanks to the city and its organizing committee, and their good judgment and frugality. According to an article by Alisa Walker, “L.A. did have one real handicap: The 1984 Summer Olympics were the first in history not to be sponsored by the government, as they still are in many countries and had previously been in the U.S.” Hosting the Olympics even with sponsorship from the government is already problematic as it is, so how can one individual city support itself with no

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