
Housing Casework Essay

Decent Essays

I think it is important to be detail-oriented in addition to seeing the big picture at the same time as a housing caseworker. In handling enquiries, I not only deal with immediate issues like court proceedings but also think more broadly about debt prioritisation, welfare benefits entitlement, immigration rules, councils’ homelessness procedures, service ability and capacity in the bureau, alternative housing options and niche support services.

A client, living in rented accommodation with her two sons and daughter worked full time as a nurse. My client’s husband had left the family 2 years earlier, leaving her with debts of £29,000. She had struggled to maintain her debt payments using a fee-paying debt company at the cost of £220 per month. Her rent payments had been erratic as a result and the landlord has started litigation for an outright possession order.

I helped my client assemble a budget sheet, which showed that she could afford the rent payments of £90 per week and pay £5 per week towards her arrears. I explained to my client about the difference between important or non-important debts and referred, with her consent, for ongoing housing support to Shelter while her situation stabilised. …show more content…

At the court hearing, possession proceedings were adjourned on the payment plan suggested. Without my help the client would probably have lost her home, spiralled further into debt and become reliant on the Council for emergency accommodation.

The Council has generally been supportive of my project because it costs them far less to fund prevention programmes compared with the £5,300 cost of dealing with a household after they become homeless. Moreover, my project statistics show I help clients put back £5 into Bristol’s economy for every £1 spent on funding my

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