
How Are Odysseus And Achilles Alike

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Is being heroic and being a hero different? Some seem to think so, to be heroic, you need to have the qualities, and being a hero can just be a role model. What are some different qualities heroes have? In The Iliad and The Odyssey there are great examples of heroes. Achilles leads men into battle, knowing very well that he won’t return, and helps them win. Odysseus is always striving to get home to his wife, and he finally returns after twenty years, only to return to a house full of suitors eating and taking all of his stuff. He takes back what is his in a victorious battle with his son and servants. How are these two heroes similar? Could it be the way they rush into battle? How are they different? Is it that one makes it home and one doesn’t? No, there is a lot more to it than that. In the epic poems The Iliad and The Odyssey translated by Homer, Achilles and Odysseus are same by the way that they both are sexually frustrated, emotionally immature, and have anger management problems, but they differ in the …show more content…

Not to say that neither of them had sex, but that they didn’t have sex with the person that they wanted to. In The Odyssey, it’s obvious that Odysseus is having sex, he is with two different goddesses for a couple of years each. So yes, he had sex, but he did not have sex with his wife. He has been away from his wife for twenty years. Odysseus says too Calypso that she is far more beautiful than Penelope, but that he yearns for Penelope and wants to return to her. Now, Achilles is a very interesting character. He is only sexually frustrated because he chooses to. Odysseus is a hero to the people, and could have anyone he wanted. However, he wanted Briseis… because he won her, she was a prize. Odysseus was so mad and upset that he became emotional, and began to cry, which comes to the next

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